Tag: Problem Solving
Podcast #179 – Judy Worth & Tom Shuker, Perfecting Patient Journeys,...
My guests for Podcast #179 are my friends Judy Worth and Tom Shuker, two of the co-authors of the book Perfecting Patient Journeys, which...
Blame the Worker or the System – British Airways Engine Covers
I flew back safely from Finland on Saturday - or I should say British Airways and American Airlines flew me safety, including in the...
A Lack of PDSA Made JCP’s New CEO SOL?
It's been interesting to follow the rise and fall of former Apple retailing executive Ron Johnson during his less-than-two-year stint as CEO at long-struggling...
Error Proofing Against Drinking Bad Tap Water at #HIMSS13
Here in New Orleans, there was a problem with the city water today and there's a 24-hour "boil water" order in effect through tomorrow...
Perfecting Patient Journeys and PDCA
Reminder: Please take my reader survey and enter to win some Lean prizes.
My friends at LEI have a new book out by Judy Worth,...
Guest Post – Words Matter: Why I Prefer PDSA over PDCA
Mark's note -- today's guest post is by my friend Karen Martin, my guest for Podcast #151 where we talked about her latest book The...
Some Videos from the 2012 #LeanStartup Conference
It's awesome that Eric Ries puts the video content from The Lean Startup Conference online each year. He's just uploaded some videos to his...
The Newtown Tragedy – Our National Response and Problem Solving
As are many people across the United States and around the world, I'm saddened by the violence that claimed so many lives Friday in...
The “Gold Prize” Kaizen QC Project Saved How Much?
Yesterday, our tour group had a chance to visit an outstanding factory. They manufacture gas meters and they do everything from casting aluminum, creating...
Top 10 Mistakes in Problem-Solving You Need to Avoid
I've been noodling around about writing an article about 10 common problem solving mistakes. Before fleshing it out, I thought I'd share the list...
A Hard Habit to Break
No, this isn't a post about the the 80s Chicago tune "Hard Habit to Break." It's about individual habits related to problem solving that...
Funny: The Most Interesting Lean Thinker in the World
This is too good not to share. The team at a startup called Buffer created a list of Lean Startup concepts in the guise...