Tag: Problem Solving

The Sensei Café Dilemma: Why Lean Thinking Makes Lunch Annoying

Last week, I published my first cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You might call that cartoon "Strategy Dog-ployment." None of us...

3 Ways to React to Human Error

What happens when a mistake is made in your organization? How do you react when an error occurs? A lab specimen gets mislabeled. The wrong...

The Worst Root Cause Problem Solver in the Animal World Is…...

We all know the beaver is "the engineer of the animal kingdom." That's why MIT has a beaver as a mascot... it's an engineer...

Video: Toyota Helps Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Their Eye Clinic

California week on the blog continues after yesterday's post about Lean at San Francisco General Hospital. Today, I'm flying to Los Angeles to attend the...

Kaizen Tip: Just Do Its and Root Causes

In the Kaizen process, we ask everybody to identify problems (or opportunities) and then to write down an idea that could potentially solve the...

Notes & My Short Talk from the #Lean Transformation Summit, #Lean14

It's been fun attending the annual Lean Transformation Summit (produced by LEI). Today is Day 2. I took some notes from Day 1 and...

Jumping to Solutions

We've all seen it. We've probably all done it. What's that? Jumping to solutions. I hope this illustration I created gives you a bit of pause... not just...

The Truth About Data and PDSA/PDCA from a Toyota Publication

Out there in the Lean and quality improvement communities, you sometimes hear some silly things. Sometimes, I want to attach the "Lean As...

The Power of Asking “What Do You Think?”

Mark's post: I'm still away on vacation, but happy to have some guest bloggers, including Chad Walters. Unlike his past posts, today's not about...

From Vague to Passive to Active in Your Voice and Improvement...

While I'd be the first to admit that my writing is not perfect and I certainly need a copy editor for my books, I...

Don’t Let Looking at Data Blind You From Seeing Reality

I recently read an article (a case study) about "Lean Six Sigma" in a publication. It's not online, so I can't link to it,...

Weekend Fun: An Example of Poor Problem Solving

Here's a funny ESPN commercial featuring PGA golfer Rickie Fowler. Fowler is pouring coffee, yet he makes some bad assumptions about which coffee is decaf...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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