Tag: Problem Solving

Recording: Free Webinar with Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

On Tuesday, I hosted, via KaiNexus, a webinar with Jon Miller on the important topic of "Practical Problem Solving," a structured 8-step method for...

Rethinking the Five Whys: Introducing the ‘Many Whys’ Approach in Lean...

There’s no magic about the number five. I’ve seen some people write that five is somehow a “magic number.” No, that’s not really the case. Ask why more than once, probably more than twice…

Beyond the Five Whys: Lean and Lean Startup Require a Deeper...

We don’t just ask why. We start by properly defining and clarifying problems. Jumping straight to Five Whys is like jumping straight to “Learn” in the Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn cycle.

Stuff I’m Reading September 2015: Urgency, Problems, and Lemmings

As is often the case, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. This...

Gemba Academy Podcasts – Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

If you've got time over the weekend (or in the near future)... about three hours to be precise... these three four podcast episodes from Gemba...

A Lean Guy Reads the Boston Papers: Facts, Respect, and Baseball...

My wife and I were in Boston over the weekend, as it was her fifth reunion from her MIT master's program. I'm also an...

Cartoon: There’s A Time & A Place to Fight Fires

Here's my latest cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You can see the whole series via this link. In the Lean world,...

What Are Your New Year’s Lean Resolutions for 2015? What Problems...

Happy New Year! Let's talk about Lean. Let's talk about Kaizen and continuous improvement and how to get better in 2015. You're possibly thinking, "Hey,...

Bringing Me Problems is OK, We’ll Find Solutions Together

It's a bit of a modern management cliché to say, "Don't bring problems! Bring me solutions!" I think what that means is, "Don't just complain!...

How Engaging Everyone in Kaizen Saves this Hospital Leader Time Lots...

A few weeks back, I posted the first new video from my Healthcare Kaizen co-author's health system: "Endoscopy Nurses are "Kaizen Crazy" at Franciscan St....

Is “The Jerk” Good at Problem Solving?

Four years ago, I parodied the style of GEICO commercial that they were running at the time with a "did you know that Steve...

Guest Post: Organizations are Solving Problems; Are They Workarounds or Real...

Mark's note: Today's post is a guest post by my friend and colleague Isaac Mitchell. We've crossed paths at conferences, including the annual Society...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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