Tag: Problem Solving
IndustryWeek Webcast on A3 Reports by Prof. Durward Sobek
IndustryWeek : A Primer on A3 Reports: Better Thinking for Stronger Organizations
I can understand the appeal of A3 reports... putting all of the relevant...
Process Firefighting, Sometimes the Result of Process Arsonists?
"process arsonist" - Google Search
I was talking with someone a few weeks back about the analogy of "fire fighting" in a workplace (something that...
Fire Fighting vs. Root Cause Problem Solving
Below is some of the text from edition #3 of the newsletter from my upcoming book Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee...
The Power of Asking "Why?"
reportonbusiness.com: Asking 'why' again and again is harder than you think, but it works
It's kind of neat to see a column about the "5...
Google-Funded eSolar project shows signs of Lean Thinking
By Jason Turgeon:Google made headlines last year when it announced it that it was going to devote a significant chunk of cash to developing...
A Silly Example of Mandates and Threats Not Working
Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die
Maybe this mayor has consumed too much Bordeaux wine. But this story is a wonderfully comical illustration...
Why Do Patients Have to Do This?
The Informed Patient - WSJ.comGood column in the WSJ today, as always, from Laura Landro. She writes about the need for patients to take...
My At-Home Medical Mistake: Taking the Wrong Version of Day /...
I'm a bit mad at myself for inflicting some preventable human error on myself last night. It's OK, I didn't harm myself, but let...
Updated: How Often Must the Same Mistake Be Repeated?
Dennis Quaid's newborns reportedly harmed by medical mix-up - Los Angeles Times
(Updated 4:57 PM, again at 9:51 PM, see bottom of post)
If this story...
Management’s Job is to be Proactive
Running a hospital: Our Joint Commission Report
The headline is my modification of a Deming expression, that management's job is prediction. Statistical process control was...
Great Piece on Problem Solving
Elegant Solutions: Mind of the Innovator
Matthew May is the author of the book The Elegant Solution, a friend of this blog, and a blogger...
Let’s Try a "5 Whys" Survey
Following up on the LEI survey that was released and discussed here, I've been talking with a few folks offline about what the "root...