Tag: Podcast

Podcast #250 – Dr. Jack Billi & Mark Graban on #Lean...

Episode #250... a big round number. 250 podcasts in just under 10 years. Thanks again to Norman Bodek (my first guest and frequent guest)...

Podcast #249 – Steve Leuschel on “Lean Culture Change”

My guest for episode #249 of the podcast is Steve Leuschel, author of the book Lean Culture Change: Using a Daily Management System. You can find...

Podcast #248 – Drew Locher, Lean Office to Lean Enterprise

Joining me for episode #248 of the podcast is Drew Locher, an author, consultant, speaker, and, also like me, a faculty member for the Lean...

Upcoming Webcasts & Webinars – #Lean Healthcare, KaiNexus, and More

Hey everyone... I'm doing a few different webinars or webcasts in the next few weeks. But first, while I'm promoting stuff, Amazon has a GREAT...

Podcast #247 – James Chisholm, ExperiencePoint and Leading Change

My guest for episode #247 is James Chisholm, a principal and co-founder of the Toronto-based ExperiencePoint. James is a pioneer in the design of online...

Podcast #246 – Steve Montague, a Pilot’s Viewpoints on Lean Healthcare,...

Listen: Episode #246 is my second episode in recognition of Patient Safety Awareness Week. My guest is Steve Montague, who talked about Lean and Crew Resource Management...

Podcast #245 – Dr. Tom Evans, Improving Healthcare Quality in Iowa

Today is the first of two episodes that I'll post here during Patient Safety Awareness Week. I agree with the National Patient Safety Foundation...

Podcast #244 – @DanMarkovitz, “Building the Fit Organization,” Part 2

Joining me again for Episode #244 is Dan Markovitz (@DanMarkovitz on Twitter). Today's episode is part 2 of our discussion about his most recent book Building the Fit Organization:...

Unlocking the Power of Coaching: Insights from Michael Bungay Stanier –...

My guest for Episode #243, Michael Bungay Stanier, takes us a bit outside of the Lean realm... but that's good. Our topic today, which...

Podcast #242 – Staff & Leaders Talk About the Culture of...

Episode #242 is unique in that it's a collection of audio clips from videos that Joe Swartz and I shot in late 2014 at...

Podcast #241 – @DanMarkovitz, “Building the Fit Organization,” Part 1

Joining me for Episode #241 is a returning guest and friend of mine, Dan Markovitz (@DanMarkovitz on Twitter). He was a guest on Episodes #135...

Podcast #240 – @LeahBinder of @LeapfrogGroup on #PatientSafety

My guest for episode #240 is somebody I've wanted to interview for a long time, Leah Binder, the president and CEO of Leapfrog Group,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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