PDSA, or Doing it Well, Starts With Psychological Safety

The core of Lean and the Toyota Production System is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) or Plan-Do-Study-Adjust (PDSA) mindset. It's a structured approach for problem-solving and...

Kaizen Upon Kaizen: Continuing to Improve our KaiNexus Webinars Experience for...

At KaiNexus, we practice what we preach when it comes to continuous improvement. One thing I do for the software company is managing the...

“The Mistakes That Make Us” — My Manuscript is Done! Some...

I'm happy to announce that I've finished the manuscript for my upcoming book (a real one, not an April Fool's Joke). The Mistakes That...

Fall in Love with the Problem, not the Solution: In Entrepreneurship...

I'm looking forward to reading the new book by Uri Levine, the founder of Waze. It's titled: Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the...

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: November 18, 2022

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormick for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! Get these directly...

At Toyota: Mistakes are OK, as Long as We Learn; Culture...

The book that I'm writing on learning from mistakes is not an academic research-driven project. My "field research" mainly consists of the 200 podcast...

How a Small Test of Change Can Prevent Bigger Mistakes –...

In the history of our KaiNexus continuous improvement webinar series, we've used a few platforms over time. We used WebEx for many years, but...

Jumping to Solutions: A Hard Habit to Break

Here is an article I first published on Linked seven years ago this week. This is lightly edited and updated. We've all seen it...

Anti-Racism: A River WE Must Cross

Starting With the Grand-Daddies of Quality A few years back I developed a blog series titled, "The Grand-Daddies of Quality"-- my goal was to delve...

Continuing to Continuously Improve My Online Scheduling Process

For years, I've scheduled many phone calls and web meetings. That's only increased during this current Covid-19 era. Sooooo many Zoom meetings. I do...

Must Dos and Nice to Haves: Performance Reviews and Continuous Improvement?

There's a very well known cartoon that you might have seen where a caveman offers round wheels to other cavemen who are pulling a...

Maybe “Just Do Its” Should be Called “Just PDSA Its”?

In the practice of Lean and continuous improvement, people often describe small improvements as "Just Do Its." Maybe they should be called "Just Do...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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