Tag: PBC Case Studies

Is Andre Drummond Sustaining His Free Throw Improvements? [Updated 2023]

Last year, I looked at the free throw statistics of Andre Drummond of the Detroit Pistons. News headlines talked about how much he had improved his free throws, so I looked at one of his performance metrics (free throw percentage) to see if the increase was "signal" or "noise." Why write about basketball? Well, there are lessons that we can learn and apply to our own workplace metrics, as I write about in my book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More.

Is Bryce Harper a “Bust” This Season (2019)? Or is He...

I'm updating this post with data from the past two seasons, especially since Bryce Harper is considered to be a stong candidate for the...

From Numbers to Insights: Smarter Ways to Evaluate Webinar Success

One of the things I do with KaiNexus is manage our webinar series. That means lining up presenters, playing the role of host and...

Are NFL Kickers “Regressing” in Field Goal Accuracy?

Rodger Sherman is a fellow Northwestern alumnus who I follow on Twitter, for tweets about NU football and beyond. He recently tweeted about NFL field...

How We Can Easily Miss Signals in Our Metrics When We...

In many organizations, leaders rely on red / green color coding to evaluate metrics. They often see a single data point compared to a...

Is Tom Brady Getting Better AND Getting Worse With Age?

I was reading this NFL preview article in the Wall Street Journal (which makes as much sense as getting business news from ESPN, I...

Another Pricing Experiment and Measures on “Measures of Success” – and...

The last time I ran a short-term book sale -- lowering the Kindle book price of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve...

Measures of Success Related to “Measures of Success” Workshops

Each time I teach my "Measures of Success" workshop for Catalysis at one of their events, they give me feedback scores from the attendees. I...

Criticism of RAGs in the BMJ

In reviewing the excellent "Making Data Count" publication from NHS Improvement, I noticed some articles that they reference. One, in particular, caught my attention (and...

[Updated] Reader Question: Why are There so Many Data Points Outside...

I got a message from a reader of my book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More. The questions were: "I entered data...

Metrics Require More Than 2-Pointers or 3-Pointers: NCAA Men’s Hoops Final...

Two data points are not a trend. But, one data point can be a "signal" that a metric has changed enough to merit investigation...

Would an Oscars Ceremony With No Host Make Any Difference in...

With Kevin Hart now definitively stating that he will not host the 2019 Oscars, it appears that the ceremony will move forward with a...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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