Tag: Patient Safety

Looking at Medical Mistakes – Learning and Preventing or Repeating?

Working in healthcare, it's hard not finding stories about preventable errors. I keep hearing stories from friends and family - such as my relative...

Even with “ObamaCare” Upheld, Much Hard Work Remains to Protect Patients...

The Supreme Court has mainly upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including the individual mandate and other controversial provisions. The court did...

New Book by @PaulFLevy – “Goal Play!” with Lessons for Healthcare

Paul Levy, the former CEO of Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, is a long time friend of mine and this blog (read his...

Moving Beyond “Be More Careful”

Last weekend, I watched a show on the Smithsonian Channel that was an interesting contrast to the CNN show I blogged about yesterday ("A...

A Lean Guy Watches “CNN’s 25 Shocking Medical Mistakes”

Did anybody else see this show hosted to Elizabeth Cohen on CNN last weekend, titled "25 Shocking Medical Mistakes"? You can see a video...

Lean at the Peterborough (Ontario) Regional Medical Centre

Ontario's Peterborough Regional Medical Centre is about 18 months into their Lean transformation. They are being featured in a series of four articles in...

Goodbye Dr. House, Hello “Respect for People”

Dr. Robert Wachter has a great column in today's USA Today: "Column: Gregory House M.D.: RIP" and it's republished on his blog, with its...

Scared to Death: Worry about hospital errors, not pink slime

I had an article published in a California newspaper and it will hopefully be picked up by others. The headline is "Scared to Death:...

All Saudi hospitals to report serious errors online

I don't have any first hand experience with the country, but I have had many requests for the free first chapters of my books...

Stuff I’m Reading: False Alarms, Fraud, Failures & Two Good News...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest related to Lean, systems, and improvement. The "good news"...

Blame Outsourcing or Bad Processes & Bad Management?

This article from the Vancouver Sun caught my eye: "Outbreaks show the vital role of hospital cleaners." The article is written by a union...

Stuff I’m Reading, May 7, 2012: Nurses, Blame, Government, Apple in...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean related topics: Twin boys die...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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