Tag: Patient Flow

These Primary Care Improvements Don’t Sound “Mean” to Me

Here's yet another article with the lazy "Lean and Mean" cliche' in the headline: "Make Your Physician Practice a Lean, Mean Healing Machine." Real...

“Lean Doctors” – A New Book and Webinar

Something Lean is in the water in Wisconsin, as that state is one of the hotbeds of Lean healthcare. There's, of course, the ThedaCare...

Right Sized Capacity in a Stockholm Hospital – Flow, Not Monuments

When I was in Sweden in late January, I had a chance to visit the Capio Saint Göran Hospital in Stockholm. I saw many amazing...

Purely Avoidable Waiting Waste During an MD Visit

I'm a bit hesitant to blog about a bad experience with a doctor's office and waiting time. There are multiple "draft" posts I've started...

“Single Piece Flow” in Medicine

I've always enjoyed my discussions with Sami Bahri, D.D.S., the "World's First Lean Dentist." One concept he talks about, most recently in our video...

It’s not “lean” to wait 150 days for an MRI

This news story, "Ottawa Hospital seeks fourth MRI machine," from Ottawa describes an unfortunate situation where 90% of patients had been waiting 360 days...

Porsche Drives Hospital Down Lean Road

Article Link: "Shorter hospital stays through better coordination" Is Lean a global phenomenon, or what? Here is a story from a Korean news website (in...

USA Today Features Lean in Hospitals

Hospital CEOs manage staff time, inventory to cut costs - USATODAY.com It's nice to see a major publication covering Lean and, especially, Lean in healthcare....

Lean in a New Zealand E.R.

Hospital aims for shorter wait times | Otago Daily Times Online Here's today's positive blog post. For cynicism and negativity on a different Lean topic...

Lean (Not Mean!) in a Thai Hospital

Hospital management to become lean and meanHere's an article from a Thailand newspaper, where the "Lean and Mean" bug has also bit editors there...

Lean in a Liverpool Hospital

Follow Royal's example on waiting lists, hospitals told - Liverpool Daily Post.co.ukNice story from here in the UK (where I am right now), about...

Kaizen and Theory of Constraints

I got a question from a reader and Theory of Constraints fan: "One of the topics that I'm struggling...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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