Tag: Patient Flow

A Tale of Two Dental Visits: Frustrating and Ideal

If a practice aims for "ideal care," how can there be so much waste and waiting one day, followed by a perfect waste-free visit the next? What are your experiences with care and delays in clinic settings?

How a Hospital in Malaysia Solved That Emergency Room Visibility Problem...

I saw this recent article from Malaysia: LEAN Healthcare: Reducing patient waiting times, one small step at a time They put Lean in all caps... it's not an acronym. Anyway, back to the article. Their ministry of health is trying to reduce the typical department length of stay number from five hours to something shorter. And Lean is something they're using to help...

Toyota Helps Another Dallas-Area Hospital: The Parkland Emergency Department

Here is the headline from the Dallas Morning News: "How Toyota improved Parkland Hospital's ER -- with purple lights." I'll give credit to Dr. Fred Cerise, the CEO of Parkland Memorial Hospital, for reaching out to Toyota and TSSC for help...

Texas Hospital Saves Money Occasionally With Lean Six Sigma… But Can...

I saw this headline the other day about University Medical Center in Lubbock, Texas: "UMC finds savings through waste" The headline really should say "through waste...

How NOT to Improve Patient Flow: Laws, Targets, Blame, and Threats

Let's start by stating the obvious: it sucks to wait 24 hours or more on a stretcher in an emergency department hallway waiting for a real hospital bed. It's sad and frustrating to have a couple of blog readers from Canada send me this story from Quebec: Quebec wants 24-hour cap for patients waiting on stretchers in ERs Barrette says there would be consequences for hospital staff, doctors who don't comply I think there's agreement that waiting 24 hours, 12 hours, or four hours for a bed after an admission is a problem. That's a problem worth working on.

What Reduced this E.D.’s Waiting Times? Sexy Technology or Process Change?

This article in The Wall Street Journal caught my eye the other day: "Can Tech Speed Up Emergency Room Care?" But, it seems like the real story is process redesign, which is barely mentioned in the story...

Data Without Context Have No Meaning: Emergency Department Wait Time Billboards

Patients waiting too long for the E.D. is a problem around the world. Many U.S. hospitals put up billboards that claim to shed light on how long you'll have to wait. But are the signs and numbers more confusing than helpful? Does it matter?

Be Careful With “No Waiting Rooms” Just Like “Zero Inventories”

For decades, manufacturers have been tripped up by the simplistic idea that Lean is about "zero inventories." It probably didn't help that one of...

Congratulations on Reducing Waiting Times, But Lean Isn’t Just About Flow...

I'm always happy to see success stories where healthcare organizations solve problems that matter through Lean concepts, practices, and principles. Today, I'm blogging about...

How Many Exam Rooms Do You Need?

Mark's note: When I first started in healthcare, I worked for a team called ValuMetrix Services, a part of Johnson & Johnson that did...

Case Study: Emergency Department (ED) Throughput Improvement Through Lean

Mark's Note: Today's guest post comes via my friends at the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value, who suggested this case study from Salem Health....

“We are not Toyota”

Mark's note: Today's guest post is a return visit by Gert Linthout, from Belgium. Gert and I were part of the same Lean healthcare study trip to Japan back in 2012... Once upon a time... It was some years ago, when we guided a Lean transformation project in a regional hospital. The ambition was to drastically improve...
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