Tag: Overburden

Muda? Don’t Forget About Mura and Muri!

Recently, I blogged about how a Lean hospital would focus on reducing overwork on nurses and other staff: https://www.leanblog.org/2019/01/lean-should-be-the-solution-to-hospital-overwork-or-understaffing/ Another term that could be used is...

Why “More Nurses” Isn’t the Best Way to Solve What Ails...

There are certainly many serious problems in healthcare. Let's look at nursing, in particular. It's a rewarding job, but it's far more frustrating for...

More Than Grammar in This WSJ Grammar Quiz

Last week, my dad pointed out this grammar quiz on the Wall Street Journal website (as part of the article "This Embarrasses You and...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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