Tag: Ohno

If You React to Every Blip in the Metrics, Then Nothing...

Here's another post on the theme of performance metrics, as I'm talking about next week at Lean Startup Week (see yesterday's post or others...

Eric Ries on The Lean Startup Approach and Implementing the Startup...

Joining me again for episode 290 is a three-time guest, Eric Ries. When we first talked, in episode 115 six years ago, his New York Times bestselling book The Lean Startup was being published. In 2012, we discussed the impact of Toyota's Taiichi Ohno on his work, in episode 142. This time, we're talking about his new book, The Startup Way.

How Toyota Gets Organizations Started with TPS

Last week, I mentioned it was the 25th anniversary of TSSC -- formerly known as the Toyota Supplier Support Center (it's now called the...

My Webinar Recording: Standardize What Makes Sense…

Today at 3 PM, I'm doing a webinar at the invitation of the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, as part of their "Quality Café" series. Thanks for the invitation! It's open to the public and it's titled: "Standardize What Makes Sense... Then Engage Everybody in Improving What You Standardized" I hope you can join us...

[Updated] Texas Rangers’ 3B Adrian Beltre Ejected for 5S or Standardized...

Update: See the end of the post with some photos I took at the game yesterday where Beltre got his 3000th career hit -...

Is Calling People “Concrete Heads” the Most Effective Lean Change Strategy?

When did the term "concrete head" start getting thrown around in Lean circles? Do people still use this label today? Is it helpful? Should we agree that the term is disrespectful and counter productive?

Real Productivity Improvement vs. Pressuring Workers; Easier vs. Suboptimizing

When I was in England on vacation recently, I saw this column in the Financial Times: Listen to your employees and so increase their productivity And...

#TBT: Looking Back at Taiichi Ohno’s Book: Lean, Layoffs, Henry Ford,...

Thanks to my Amazon Kindle app on my iPad, I get to carry much of my book collection with me. Sometimes, while on the road,...

Early Days of Lean in Veterinary Medicine?

Last Friday morning, I partnered with Chip Ponsford, DVM, a doctor of veterinary medicine, to give an introductory Lean continuing education presentation at the annual conference of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association.

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 2: Problem Solving & Standardization

Yesterday, I wrote Part 1 of this post on the Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model. Part 1 covered the left hand half of the model, with...

Rethinking the Five Whys: Introducing the ‘Many Whys’ Approach in Lean...

There’s no magic about the number five. I’ve seen some people write that five is somehow a “magic number.” No, that’s not really the case. Ask why more than once, probably more than twice…

Fighting Against “The Way We’ve Always Done It” – Before Lean...

Through our practice of Lean, we're looking at processes and our management system, looking to identify waste and opportunities for improvement. Lean is about engaging...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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