Tag: Nursing

How Can We Prevent This Medical Error?

A number of readers emailed me a link to this New York Times article: "U.S. Inaction Lets Look-Alike Tubes Kill Patients." The headline emphasizes...

Releasing Time to Care (Lean Nursing) in New Zealand

Here is a nice little (under 2 minutes) news video from New Zealand talking about one hospital (in Auckland) and their implementation of the...

Reader Question: Rapid Response Teams (Oops, We Don’t Have the Items)

I received an email from a reader that I'm sharing and commenting on with permission. "Dear Mark: I am a lean coordinator for a manufacturing...

Lean Healthcare Featured in Sunday’s New York Times Business Page

Today's edition of The New York Times has an outstanding article about Lean Healthcare and what Seattle Children's Hospital calls C.P.I. or Continuous Performance...

Two Extreme Sides to Every Story in Politics *and* Lean??

This is going to seem like a political rant, but I promise this is mainly a post about Lean and healthcare, or at least...

ThedaCare, Lean, and Primary Care in the News

ThedaCare, the health system in Wisconsin, often gets a lot of attention for the Lean improvements in their four hospitals, but they are also...

Happy Nurses Week!

I would like to say a sincere "Happy Nurses Week" though, to the nurses who are reading. As I said on Twitter yesterday: Happy Nurses...

Liveblogging the Quaid Patient Safety Documentary

I'm blogging notes and thoughts as I watch the Discovery Channel documentary by actor Dennis Quaid and others --   "Chasing Zero: Winning the...

Lean is “Taking Canadian Healthcare by Storm,” but Look Out for...

In an article ("Assembly required: Health care from the Toyota factory floor") from Canada's National Post newspaper says Lean healthcare is "taking Canadian healthcare...

Lucian Leape Loathes Lean or “L.A.M.E.”?

Noted patient safety expert Dr. Lucian Leape spoke out recently about medical school culture being a root cause of poor quality (see my blog...

Intrinsic Motivation in Lean Leadership: Unpacking Daniel Pink’s TED Talk on...

I have been a big fan of the author Daniel Pink since I heard about his most recent book Drive: The Surprising Truth About...

Of 777s and Heart Rate Monitors

In recent years, healthcare has been learning a lot of lessons from aviation -- including checklists and "Crew Resource Management," as written about in...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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