Tag: Nursing

Will Suggestion Boxes be a Trend in 2012? What Method(s) do...

I saw this article the other day on BusinessInsider.com: "10 Predictions For How The Workplace Will Change In 2012." Two of the predictions caught my...

Oregon Hospitals Using the “Transforming Care at the Bedside” Program

Here is an article from HealthLeaders Media about the Transforming Care at the Bedside  program: "Rural Oregon Hospitals Implement Frontline Caregiver Program." TCAB is...

Video Presentation on Reducing Healthcare Waste & Improving Care

Last week, I posted a podcast with Mike George, founder of Strong America Now, an organization that is promoting Lean and Six Sigma methods...

What’s Wrong With This Hospital’s Lean Job Posting?

This blog post contains a real job posting,  found online. Let's make this a reader participation challenge. I see maybe three things "wrong" or...

Lean Lessons for Healthcare from a Boeing 737 Factory Video

Podcaster Cali Lewis (a fellow DFW-area Texan) hosts a show called GeekBeat.tv, where she normally highlights new consumer tech gadgets and nerdy robots from...

An American ED Doc in New Zealand – Reflections on Pushback...

Mark's note: Today's guest post is from Dr. Mark Jaben, an American doctor who worked in New Zealand, leading to this blog post. I...

Cases of Technology “Solutions” Looking for a Problem?

One of my favorite of the 14 "Toyota Way" principles to discuss with hospitals, in particular, is  principle #8, which  says: "Use only reliable, thoroughly...

Las Vegas Paper Writes Series on Patient Safety Failings, Hospital Culture

I found this lengthy series of articles from the Las Vegas Sun, published under the heading of  "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in...

Reader Question: Support and “First Responders” for Healthcare Professionals

Here is a new reader question from Steve Palmreuter in Michigan. He raises a topic that I've been thinking about lately, so I'm happy...

Hoarders and Stashers? Ask Why…

Short post today, but a simple message, I think. One of the best lessons I've learned about Lean management is about the need to...

Why Nurses Should Reject “LAME” and Demand Lean

There's a long-standing argument that I've been dragged into with a group that calls itself "new systems thinkers." They loudly criticize Lean as being...

My Interview with Justin Holland, of GE Healthcare

Today's post is an interview I conducted via email with Justin Holland, Managing Principal of GE Healthcare Americas. Before joining GE, he was most...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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