Tag: New Zealand

Guest Post: Lean for Local Government – Pursuing Service Excellence

Mark's note: Thanks to all of the wonderful guest bloggers  who contributed to this space over the past two weeks. Today's post is by...

Looking at Medical Mistakes – Learning and Preventing or Repeating?

Working in healthcare, it's hard not finding stories about preventable errors. I keep hearing stories from friends and family - such as my relative...

The Real Message Behind Funny Hospital Signs: Tackling Root Causes for...

After a week of serious topics and sometimes pointed discussion, let's end with a funny sign... well wait, there's a serious story behind this...

An American ED Doc in New Zealand – Reflections on Pushback...

Mark's note: Today's guest post is from Dr. Mark Jaben, an American doctor who worked in New Zealand, leading to this blog post. I...

Another Annual Update on a New Zealand Emergency Department

It seems to be an annual event to see a news story about a New Zealand emergency department, Dunedin Hospital (not pictured at left)...

Releasing Time to Care (Lean Nursing) in New Zealand

Here is a nice little (under 2 minutes) news video from New Zealand talking about one hospital (in Auckland) and their implementation of the...

An Update on Lean in a New Zealand Emergency Dept

You might remember a 2008 blog piece about early Lean efforts in New Zealand hospital (Dunedin hospital), where the primary aim was reducing...

Great Editorial about Lean Healthcare in NZ

New Zealand Doctor Online - Medical News for GPsI often end up groaning (and complaining here) when I see news stories or editorials about...

The Need for Lean E.D. in N.Z.

Code red in the nation's hospital corridors | CLOSE UPThanks to Michael from New Zealand for pointing this story to me. The link above...

Lean in a New Zealand E.R.

Hospital aims for shorter wait times | Otago Daily Times Online Here's today's positive blog post. For cynicism and negativity on a different Lean topic...

A Lean Nursing Example in New Zealand

Hospital's shake-up gives nurses more timeHere's a nice news article about the use of Lean in a hospital in New Zealand (hat tip to...

Lean in New Zealand

New Zealand's source for business, stock market & currency news on Stuff.co.nzHere is a decent lean overview, which includes a visit by John Shook...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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