Tag: Music

Imitation as a Path to Innovation — If You Know What...

At the recent Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, there were thought provoking presentations... and we had many discussions about the role of incremental improvement vs. redesign or transformation. And, lots of discussions about imitating vs. innovating... so I explore those themes in this post.

Live Blogging Day 1 of #HCSummit17 – #Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit

I'm at the 8th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit in Palm Springs, California. Follow on Twitter using the hashtag #HCSummit2017. If you're here at the event,...

Thoughts on “Good” vs. “Better” from My College Marching Band Director,...

What are the parallels between the mindsets and approach of a world-class university band director and our mindsets in Lean, Kaizen, and continuous improvement, in healthcare or beyond?

Learning Jazz (and Lean?): Imitate, Integrate, Innovate

Although I don't get to play much anymore, I used to be a pretty serious drummer (I almost said "musician," but that invites jokes...

Lean is Jazz

Hot corporations know how to swing - USATODAY.com Interesting article in the USA Today business section yesterday, an interview with jazz great Wynton Marsalis about...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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