Tag: MIxtape

Operational Excellence Mixtape: February 1, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Why do we have to wake up patients to take vital signs every 4 hours if they are stable? ...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: January 18, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Too often, patient involvement in design and research is tokenist or "tick-box", and requires burdensome processes for participation.  To truly design...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: Best of 2018

Hi All -  here's a collection of the most read Mixtape links from 2018.  I compiled the links with the greatest number of viewers and...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: December 21, 2018

Mark's Note: I've known Ryan McCormack for many years now, thanks to his previous work in Lean healthcare and his attendance at Lean Healthcare...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: December 7, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Healthcare is the world's largest cottage industry, as evidenced by the enormous variation in practice.  Healthcare practitioners may finally be...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: November 23, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Hospitals have been collecting patient complaint data for decades, but leveraging the data for improvement has remained elusive.  Some new...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: November 9, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients The benefits of Electronic healthcare records are a polarizing topic with healthcare providers.  Standardization and electronic workflows have their...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: October 26, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patient A lot can be done to optimize flow in hospitals without investing in additional staff and infrastructure by using an...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: October 12, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patient CMAJ summarizes how to improve the quality of healthcare in Canada.  Nothing new here, which begs the question - what...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: September 28, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patient Creating value for patients isn't a "project".  Lean thinking isn't a program you "implement" in a hospital over a...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: September 14, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patient The legendary quality leader W. Edwards Deming is widely known for his thoughts on statistics and systems.  However, Deming...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: August 31, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patient Canadian healthcare is where "pilot projects come to die".  There is a lack of a culture of innovation in Canadian...
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