Tag: Mistakes

Professor John Grout, A Deep Dive On Mistake Proofing And Lean

My guest for Episode #462 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Professor John Grout, the former dean of the Campbell School of Business at Berry College...

The Official Cocktail of “My Favorite Mistake”: The Negroni Sbagliato

The cocktail called the "Negroni Sbagliato" is having a moment right now, as they say, as the result of this TikTok video. I don't...

We all make make mistakes

I don't do things like this on purpose just to create illustrations and examples. But last week, as I was writing away on my...

Mistake Proofing Expert John Grout’s Favorite Mistake and How to Prevent...

This week's episode of the My Favorite Mistake podcast has a guest and a conversation that will be very directly relevant to you as...

Oops! Another Mistake During a Webinar About Mistakes

It seems ironic. Maybe this is my fate in life. Or, I'm tempting fate by podcasting, writing (my book project), and presenting so much...

We All Make Mistkaes, Especially Me

I use the word "mistake" a lot, so I end up typing the word a lot (including as part of the book project that I'm...

Free Webinar Recording About Learning From Mistakes (as Individuals & Organizations)

Updated to include a 5-minute audio preview and the recording. I presented free webinar on June 27th, as part of the KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Webinars...

Discussing Our “Favorite Mistakes” — Mark Graban and Alisha Wielfaert Podcast...

Normally, I like to be the one doing the interviewing. My latest guest on "My Favorite Mistake" was Alisha Wielfaert, who shared her "favorite...

Taylor Swift on the Inevitability of Mistakes and the Positive Outcomes...

Since I host a podcast about mistakes ("My Favorite Mistake"), this is a topic I think about a lot. I hear about people's "favorite"...

Just a Few of the Mistakes I’ve Made Today… How About...

I've interviewed over 180 people over the past 18 months for my podcast series, asking them all the SAME question: "What's your favorite mistake?" Everybody makes...

Sumitra Vig on Lean & Quality: First Time Right or Next...

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #446 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Sumitra Vig. She is...

Bad Easter Bunny? Going From a Big Vague Concern to Grasping...

One lesson I've learned from Toyota people about problem solving is that you have to work to "grasp the situation." This is true whether you're...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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