Tag: Mistakes
My Audio Mistake in My Live Video to Give Away a...
The book giveaway contest that I'm running ends Friday at about 3 pm ET.
ENTER TO WIN a set of all six books that I've...
Quality Digest: How to Use Mistakes to Improve Quality; Stop Spending...
I was recently interviewed by Megan Wallin-Kirth for an article she wrote for Quality Digest. I thought she was interviewing me for a broader...
Thanksgiving and Gratitude – Can We Be Thankful For Waste, Problems,...
At the hospital on Monday, a chaplain shared a Thanksgiving poem on the theme of being grateful.
It struck a chord with me. As a Lean practitioner, it's easy to focus on the waste... the problems... the gaps. We think about what could be and the "ideal state." We strive for perfection and it's easy to lose site of what we have.
Conversation with Amy Edmondson about Learning from Mistakes and Failing Well
I don't share every episode of the "My Favorite Mistake" podcast here, but today's new episode has great connections to Lean, I think. Or,...
Celebration of Errors From Aerospace to Tech Companies: The Lean Journey...
Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more
My guest for Episode #489 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Ward Vuillemot, a seasoned...
Redefining Failure: Lessons from Serial Entrepreneurs on Navigating Setbacks
tl;dr summary: In this exploration into the complexities of failure and learning, I draw from a range of entrepreneurs to debunk myths and advocate...
Cultivating Psychological Safety: How Leaders Can Encourage Openness About Mistakes
Using mistakes to learn and improve requires that we hear about them. But leaders can't just tell people to speak up. Telling them, "It's...
From Failure to Foresight: The Shingo Institute’s Ken Snyder’s Favorite Mistake
In this week's episode of "My Favorite Mistake," we're lucky to have Ken Snyder, a celebrated figure in the realm of business and academia...
From Punishment to Improvement: Transforming Workplace Culture
A quick announcement before today's post... please join me tomorrow, October 3rd for a LinkedIn Live session at 1 pm ET.
How to Learn From...
Embracing a New Paradigm: Cultivating a Healthcare Culture of Help Instead...
tl;dr: In this post, Mark delves into the detrimental effects of a punitive culture within healthcare, arguing for a shift towards a culture of...
My Article for Catalysis: Healthcare Excellence Requires Problem-Solving and Psychological Safety
Thanks to my friends at Catalysis for publishing an article that's built around an excerpt from my book, The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating...
Instead of Erasing Mistakes, Learn From Them
OK, so the gag gift giant eraser is kind of corny.
When we make mistakes in life, we can't erase them. But we CAN...