Tag: Mistake-Proofing
Error Proofing Against Pirates
Like many, I closely followed the recent pirate seizure of the Maersk ship with the American crew and was happy when the captain was...
Misguided Error Proofing?
A core Lean concept is "error proofing." We use physical devices or processes that make it difficult or impossible for errors to be made....
“Stop the Line” in a Hospital
Today it's Toyota, tomorrow the NHS; Hospital looks to adopt safety initiative
The concept of any worker being able to stop the line in a...
Error Proofing To Ensure Hospital Staff Handwashing?
Hand washing and proper hand hygiene is a big concern at most hospitals -- thankfully so, since hand hygiene and other basic infection control...
Dr. Berwick and Lean in Business Week
Donald Berwick: Curing the Healthcare System - BusinessWeek
Good exposure for the applicability and use of Lean concepts in healthcare in BusinessWeek. Dr. Berwick is...
Lost in Space
My Way News - Lost tool bag forces changes to planned spacewalksThis makes wonder if the space program uses any concepts that we'd call...
Weekend Fun: Google Mail Goggles
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Stop sending mail you later regretHa, this isn't an "error proofing" service I would need anymore, but it...
Pizza Hut Found a Root Cause?
No, this is not about the root cause of mediocre "pizza." I got an email from Pizza Hut, which is strange, since I can't...
Unnecessary "Be Careful" Labeling?
Not long ago, I purchased a universal airplane/auto adapter. There was a packaging insert that exhorted me, the user, to NOT insert the plug...
"More Careful" or "Better Processes"?
NHS: 60,000 medication blunders in 18 months - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - The IndependentTrust me, I'm not picking on the NHS. There's...
Surgical Checklists in the News!
WHO Proposes Checklist to Reduce Surgery Errors : NPR
A surgical revolution: checklist that could prevent thousands of deaths
Thanks to long-time readers Chet and Andrew...
Everyday Lean: Aluminum Foil
snopes.com: Aluminum Foil Locking TabsHere's an interesting example of "Everyday Lean" that I never knew about. Have you ever been frustrated by pulling on...