Tag: Mistake-Proofing

Karen Martin on the Power of Mistake Proofing in Lean Management

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #510 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Karen Martin, Founder and...

Mistakes and Errors: A Circular Definition; Leadership Matters

When writing or speaking, I use the words "mistake" and "error" interchangeably. The definitions in some dictionaries are comically circular. Dictionary.com defines an error as: "a...

My New Mistake-Proofing Course for TKMG Academy: Available Now!

I'm very happy to announce the release of my new Mistake-Proofing course, available NOW through Karen Martin and TKMG Academy. Well, it's a mistake to...

How Kura Revolving Sushi Somewhat Mistake-Proofs Key Customer Moments

Mistake-proofing is a spectrum. Some things are "somewhat mistake-proofed" (or "error-proofed). I love eating at Kura Revolving Sushi. It's not "the best" sushi in the...

Apple and I Made a Similar Mistake: 24 or 2024?

The other day, I was presenting at a company about "Psychological Safety as a Pre-Condition for Continuous Improvement." It was a hybrid event and...

Signs are Better Than an Email: Condo Trash Chute Edition

I often write and speak about how warning signs (or cautions) are not effective at preventing mistakes, errors, and problems. See this recent post...

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: March 8, 2024

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! Subscribe to get...

Signs Are Not Mistake-Proofing: Hospital Hallways Edition

As I posted recently on LinkedIn, here are some photos and a story from years ago. Signs are not mistake-proofing. Signs are not adequate process...

The Problem (737 MAX and Beyond) at Boeing Isn’t “Idiots.” It’s...

As we sit in seat 26A, mindlessly watching a movie, we take for granted that our cell phone (or the shirt off our back)...

Mistakes are Proof that You’re Trying? A Situational Analysis

We can all make mistakes, so I advocate for learning from mistakes through my book, podcast, and speaking. I do my best to learn...

Boeing: “You Get an Inspection! Everybody Gets an Inspection!” [Updated]

Update: I've written a longer piece about inspection that's now at the bottom of this post. I'm frustrated that the official Boeing response to their...

Embracing Poka-Yoke: The Art of Mistake-Proofing, a Preview of John Grout’s...

I was excited to host and moderate this recent webinar on January 17th at 1 pm ET. Register using the link below to view...
Special $2.99 Kindle Price - "The Mistakes That Make Us"Buy Now
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