Tag: Military

Lessons from the Football Coaching and Leadership Styles of the Oregon...

Note: Today is the fifth anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. Russell Maroni's journal from his volunteer work there, including some Lean concepts he employed,...

#Ebola – The Glaring Gap Between Staff Education and Proper, Effective...

I saw this headline the other day: "U.S. Soldiers Get Just Four Hours of Ebola Training" The phrase "just four hours" implies that it wasn't...

The Real #VAscandal is the Long Waiting Times & Bad Management,...

Look at the System, Not the Individuals I've been wanting to blog about the "VA Scandal," but have avoided it because it is somewhat politicized (as...

Memorial Day – A Reminder to Provide Better Care for Living...

Today is Memorial Day, a U.S. holiday. It's a day to honor those who have given their lives in military service. Lately, the news has...

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: Not Doing Kaizen, Engaged Sailors, Etc.

Every once in a while, I have too many browser windows open and it slows my computer down. That's when I dump a bunch...

We STILL Need to Reduce Waiting Times for Veterans

Today is Veterans Day in the U.S. and it's also Remembrance Day in Canada, the UK, and the Commonwealth countries. The poppy  pin is...

Interview About ‘The Sergeant Thomas Joseph Sullivan Center’ – Daniel Sullivan...

Listen: Episode #134 is a different topic than usual. Instead of strictly talking Lean, today's discussion is about broader issues of healthcare quality and the...

Problems like This Should be the Focus of “Lean Government”

The "Strong America Now" initiative has proposed there are opportunities to save $500 BILLION  a year from our U.S. federal government budget by using...

Memorial Day Thanks & Links to Lean in the Military

I know about 35% of you are reading from outside of the United States, but it is a national holiday here today, Memorial Day....

Best “Back of a Business Card” Ever, Seen at #HIMSS

I was at the annual HIMSS  Conference yesterday, as a guest of the software company FormFast, giving short 10-minute talks about Lean Healthcare...

Some "Like Lean" Thoughts from CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN Programs - Anchors/Reporters - Sanjay GuptaI had a very full, interesting week - giving a well-received talk about Lean Healthcare at the Ontario...

A Nearly Apocalyptic Workaround?

Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine:There was a fascinating article in a recent WIRED Magazine about Cold War nuclear response and defense systems. This...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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