Tag: Military

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: February 4, 2022

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormick for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! News, blogs, articles, resources,...

Retired RAF Pilot Peter Docker, on Leadership From the Jumpseat

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #437 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Peter Docker. He is...

Patrick Adams on “Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap”

My guest for Episode #396 is Patrick Adams, the author of the new book (released as a paperback today!), titled Avoiding the Continuous Appearance...

General Jim Mattis on Leadership, Mistakes, and Defining Problems

General Jim Mattis has been making the rounds to talk about his new book that is out today: Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead. "Learning...

Leadership as Defined and Depicted so Well by a Normandy War...

Regular readers will realize I've been away from the blog a lot this month. I was fortunate to get away for two weeks of...

Throwback Thursday: This is Not a Drill — It Happened Again

I really don't enjoy the type of "Throwback Thursday" posts that are triggered by something in the news that reminds me of something that I've blogged about in the past. Sometimes, it seems people are doomed to keep repeating the same preventable errors instead of learning from others, improving systems, and mistake proofing things in life. In this post, we look back at repeated errors in pathology, building demolition, and emergency alert systems...

Eisenhower on Leadership, Sounds like a Lean Thinker to Me

You might think that "command and control" leadership styles are a thing of the past. But, old habits die slowly and many leaders today still seem to have a mental model that longs for a workforce that would "just do what they're told." What did former President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower say about leaders who are "hitting people over the head?" I blog about that here...

Highlights of “Boss Level Podcast” – Gen. Stan McChrystal and the...

I've read most of retired General Stanley McChrystal's excellent book Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World (I start a lot...

Do We Want The Same Results?

Thanks to Sam Selay for today's guest post. Although he's writing about the government and the military, I think you'll find it interesting regardless of your industry. Read an excerpt from Sam's chapter of Practicing Lean.

“Practicing Lean” Excerpt – Lessons from Japan

I've recently updated the eBook Practicing Lean to include a new ninth chapter, submitted by Samuel Selay. Other new chapters are by David Haigh, from Canada, and...

Podcast #235 – Sam MacPherson, The Green Beret Way to the...

Today's guest is Sam MacPherson (@LeanLeaderWay), the co-founder of the Lean Leadership Academy and the founder of The Summit on Lean Leadership, a partnership with Lean Frontiers...

Fear of speaking up is a broader problem, not just in...

Announcement: Dr. Greg Jacobson and I are doing a new webinar for KaiNexus on "More Leadership Behaviors That Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement'"...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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