Tag: Meme

The Lean Force Awakens: Star Wars Memes & A Gemba Walk...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on Thursday. I'm not the world's most avid fan of the Star Wars series, although I grew up...

Musical Lean Memes; “Choose Lean” & “Frankie Says Relax”

Lean improvement work can be pretty intense and stressful. So, it's important to take some time for some laughs (see my past collection and...

Weekend Fun: LeanMemes.com #LeanMeme Contest Winners

When I kicked off the "Lean Memes" contest last month, I had no idea what I was starting... I figured I'd get a handful...

Fun Stuff from the #LeanMeme Contest

OK, this whole "Lean Meme" thing might seem really silly. I agree... but those of us doing work with Lean (in any industry) have...

Weekend Fun: Lean Memes Contest

Want to win a copy of one of my books (Lean Hospitals or Healthcare Kaizen). Or some other book(s) from Amazon, up to a...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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