Tag: Measures of Success
Reviews of “Measures of Success” – I’m Appearing on “Quality Digest...
Today, I'll be appearing live as a guest on the live internet show "Quality Digest Live." You can watch live at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT on Friday...
QualityDigest.com also recently published a review of my book Measures of Success and we'll be discussing the book and more on the show.
I also recently discovered this short podcast episode / review about my book, from the "Improve Something Today" podcast by Brian Kerr...
Katie Anderson Interviews Me About “Measures of Success” – Win a...
Thanks to my friend Katie Anderson for writing a blog post about my latest book Measures of Success.
Visit the post and you'll see a link that goes to a book giveaway contest, where I am giving away (with Katie's help, of course), three copies of the eBook (the paperback book is coming later this year).
Podcast #316 – @JamieFlinchbaugh Interviews @MarkGraban About “Measures of Success”
oday's episode is the second time that friend and podcast guest Jamie Flinchbaugh has turned the tables by playing host to interview me about my new book, Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, which has recently been the #1 best selling book in Amazon's Total Quality Management category.
Jamie is very knowledgeable on these topics, so he was a great person to interview me and to have more of a conversation about choosing the right metrics and then managing them the right way. I hope you enjoy the conversation and future podcasts will return to the usual format where I interview guests and try to let them do most of the talking.
Recorded Webinar: Improve Your Lean Management System With a Simple Chart
I presented a 30-minute webinar on Monday, August 27 at 1 pm EDT. This one was hosted by Lean Frontiers as part of their summer webinar series.
Podcasts, Videos, and Some Measures for “Measures of Success” [Updated]
Here are a few items and thoughts related to "Process Behavior Charts" and my book Measures of Success.
I'll share some charts related to sales of my book about charts and management.
I'll also share an updated article of mine and two podcasts that had me on to talk about the book.
Recorded Catalysis Webinar: Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve...
Hosted by Catalysis, I shared some key concepts from my new book Measures of Success (now available in the Apple Books store among other places).
This webinar was geared toward a healthcare audience that is also, likely, interested in or practicing elements of Lean Daily Management.
This was held Monday, August 20 at noon EDT.
My Article for the LEI “Lean Post”: React Less and Improve...
It's been a while since I've contributed something to the Lean Enterprise Institute's online publication, The Lean Post (see past articles).
Today, they're allowing me to introduce some ideas from my book Measures of Success. Many "Lean thinkers" just haven't been exposed to these ideas. Many haven't read Deming or Wheeler... it's not their fault for not knowing of Process Behavior Charts and methods like this.
But, I hope this post helps people see that "bowling charts" and "red/green" analysis are not the only way (or the best way) to look at metrics.
My article:
"React Less and Improve More by Using SPC More Effectively"
Recorded Webinar: TWI and Kata: Skill Patterns to Develop a Culture...
Here is a recorded webinar...
I played host (along with KaiNexus) for this webinar that was held Tuesday, August 14 at 1 pm ET.
A Stomach Bug, the Emergency Room “Gemba,” and Charts, Charts, Charts
Here's a reprieve from posts about my new book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More. Although I will mention that the book should be available very soon in the Apple iBooks store. And today's post is on themes from the book.
Unfortunately, I've had two trips to the emergency room within the past year, due to stomach flu problems. Or, it was possible food poisoning. In cases like these, the doctors aren't really worried about the exact root cause, because the treatment is the same either way. They're treating symptoms.
Last Wednesday morning, I woke up early and I was sick. Stomach issues. Fever. I noticed on my Fitbit that my heart rate was elevated above normal levels. I was working from home that day, so I stayed in bed, slept, and rested. I wasn't really able to eat anything and it was hard to get liquids down...
Podcast #313 – Audiobook Excerpt From “Measures of Success”
Today's episode (#313) of the podcast is a bit of a departure from the norm. Instead of interviewing a guest about their book or other work, I'm reading what's basically an audiobook-style excerpt of the first part of my new book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More.
I say "audiobook-style" because it's not professionally produced and my voice has been bad after being sick last week... but I thought this would be one way to share some of this material and promote the book. I won't be doing a full-blown audiobook because the book is so full of charts, I don't think it all translates well to the audiobook format. But, here I'm reading the foreword, the preface, the introduction, and part of Chapter 1.
“Measures of Success” is Done! Now Available in the Amazon Kindle...
I'm happy to announce that my latest book, Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, is completed!
That means I was able to release...
A “Pulse Check” – Bonus Material From “Measures of Success”
Today's post is some material that I wrote for my book Measures of Success but cut due to length. I've modified the material a bit to hopefully be fine as a standalone post.
There's a somewhat humorous, if not scary, story from a book (This is Going to Hurt) written by a former "junior doctor" in the British National Health Services (NHS) -- the equivalent of a "resident" in the American medical education system.