Tag: Markovitz

Buying a bigger pair of pants will NOT solve your weight...

by Dan MarkovitzWhew! Just in case you panicked at the thought of not having access to email on your upcoming flight to Slippery...

Maybe a little hansei would be in order.

by Dan MarkovitzWithout realizing it, James B. Stewart, the SmartMoney columnist for the Wall Street Journal, touched on the value and power of hansei...

Lean Transport: Buses vs. Light Rail

By Dan MarkovitzMark posted yesterday about the relative leanness of light rail vs. buses. He pointed out thata rail line probably has more...

Booz Gets Lean (without knowing it)

by Dan MarkovitzThe latest issue of Strategy+Business, Booz Allen Hamilton's business journal, features an article on cost cutting. Ordinarily, simple cost cutting flies...

What About The Other Car Makers?

by Dan MarkovitzThis blog has commented (here and here) on the WSJ's rush to predict the folly of just-in-time manufacturing in the wake...

The Normalcy Of Waste

By Dan MarkovitzLast week the Wall Street Journal interviewed George David, the CEO of United Technologies. Though the conversation didn't address his views...

Clarifying Lean vs. Frugal

By Dan MarkovitzThere's been some confusion over my recent post criticizing the Business Week article on Toyota's "frugality." I do not believe that...

Lean Is Not "Frugal." Lean Is "Value."

By Dan MarkovitzBusinessWeek online joined the rest of the media in noting that Toyota just passed GM as the global leader in auto sales...

What Will You Do Differently Today?

By Dan MarkovitzBack in October, Lifehacker ran a lengthy article on "personal kaizen." The thrust of the piece is how we can improve...

Multitasking is NOT Part of Standard Work

The New York Times ran an article this weekend exposing the myth of multitasking. Despite the common belief that we have to multi-task to...

Newsflash! Respecting workers = better results!

By Dan MarkovitzYesterday's Wall Street Journal ran an article explaining that employees are more likely to embrace changes when they're fully informed of the...

Error Proofing Your Meetings

By Dan Markovitz Sometimes it's hard to spot errors in an office, much less error-proof the workspace. With so many value streams...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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