Tag: Manufacturing
TWI at Energizer Battery
IndustryWeek : Introducing Training Within IndustryOur friend Bryan Lund is featured in this interview with IndustryWeek (click here to subscribe) about the Training Within...
Using Lean to Expand Capacity… Who Loses?
CJOnline / The Topeka Capital-Journal - Topeka Hallmark to absorb workIs there a Hallmark card that says, "Sorry you lost your job?" They do,...
Moving a Factory to Mexico
How I Helped Move a Factory to Mexico - Business WeekHat tip to Jennifer in Washington state for pointing this article out to me....
Google-Funded eSolar project shows signs of Lean Thinking
By Jason Turgeon:Google made headlines last year when it announced it that it was going to devote a significant chunk of cash to developing...
Another Wisconsin Lean Story
Appleton Post-Crescent: Little Chute company sees a sharp futureHere's another story about a small company in Wisconsin -- they're using Lean to get more...
Michigan Could Have Had a "Lean" Governor?
TOM WALSH: DeVos' answer for manufacturing in Michigan: Flexibility, teamworkHere is an article about the Republican who lost the Michigan governor's race last year,...
Also Working on "Respect for People?"
Article Link: Lifting specialists set to lose weightI'm always a bit skeptical when I hear about Lean being a "project." Sure, a project can...
A Shortage of Employees or a Shortage of Lean Management?
"Help Wanted" highlights skills drain in U.S - Yahoo! NewsHere's an interesting story about the shortage of machinists:While millions of jobs making everything from...
A Biotech Company Using Lean
New England Peptide Implements Lean ManufacturingHere is an article about what might seem like a very untraditional industry using Lean -- biotech. It's a...
More Wisconsin Lean
Lean manufacturing in action is a beautiful thing The link above is a column in a Wisconsin newspaper. He visited a plant "a...
"Bubble Busters" Busted
El Paso Times - Bubble Busters say farewellHere's what would otherwise be a nice story about employees working together on kaizen (continuous improvement). ...
Never Too Old for Lean
Chambersburg Public Opinion - 150 years: TB Wood's: Chambersburg's oldest manufacturer:I don't mean "too old" in terms of people, I mean for an "old...