Tag: Livonia

Accountability in Leadership: My GM Flashback Story and the Blame Game

I've written before about Bob. He was the Plant Superintendent (the #2 in command, if you will) at the GM Livonia Engine Plant, where...

20+ Years Ago at GM: The Quality Death Spiral of Bad...

My first job out of college was as an Industrial Engineer at the General Motors Livonia Engine Plant. Blogging didn't exist then (I didn't even have email or internet access at work) or I might have started my writing career then. Oh, the stories. I've shared some of them on this blog over time. I've blogged about papers from the Don Ephlin files, a former UAW national leader. I have my own small collection of documents and artifacts from my days at GM that I thought to keep in a folder. I still have that folder today. A few of these memos tell the story of a quality and productivity death spiral that eventually led to our plant manager being replaced. And, by "replaced," I don't mean fired or given an early retirement. He was, at least in title, PROMOTED to a role at GM Powertrain headquarters. Thankfully, the new plant manager, Larry Spiegel, was one of the original "NUMMI commandos" and he made a huge difference to the plant and to me, personally.

2nd Post for the Deming Institute Blog: The Failed “Livonia Philosophy”

Yesterday, the W. Edwards Deming Institute published the second in my series of three posts for them: "The Failure of "The Livonia Philosophy" at my GM Plant." Read more...

Video: John Shook and the LEI #Lean Transformation Model

In a new video released by the Lean Enterprise Institute, CEO John Shook talks about a "Lean transformation" model. He starts by explaining how...

NPR on the “End of the Line” at NUMMI and My...

Here's some Saturday morning listening... a story from yesterday's "All Things Considered" on the "End of the Line" at the NUMMI plant (the GM...

Where Did I Start with Lean?

I love it when I have a chance to meet Lean Blog readers and Twitter followers in the "real world." In the past few...

“Beat Down On Them”

As I thought about this post earlier, with the employee quote about being beaten down, I had a flashback to my time at GM,...

Livonia’s not Lean-vonia

As Auto Prosperity Shifts South, Two Towns Offer a Study in Contrasts - New York Times Here's a free Detroit News version of the article....
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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