Tag: Liker

Ten (Mostly) Common Misconceptions About Toyota & Lean

Ten Common Misconceptions About Toyota | Quality Digest I found this interesting column from Quality Digest, by Stewart Anderson, a guy who says he has...

University of Michigan Health System and Lean

University of Michigan looks to lean principles for system-wide improvements - MLive.comHere is some positive news coming out of my home state of Michigan......

Observations from One End of the Hospital

Lean Leap to Health Care #7 (click for Part #6) by Scott McDuffee "Where is the main entrance? Why do I follow the signs to HERE?...

A Word from the Lean Blog Sponsors

Dear Lean Blog Readers:I try hard to not bombard you with commercial messages, but I do want to take a minute to recognize three...

How to Get Started with a Lean Culture?

Here's another Lean Blog reader question from Joe, who writes:Last year I was part of an ERP implementation team at our company, and while...

Full List of Shingo Prize for Research Winners Announced

Award Recipients - The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence - shingoprize.org The full list of winners has been released. Congratulations to all! It's personally quite...

Toyota’s Commitment to People

Toyota's plunge into big pickups veers into a Texas-size ravine - USATODAY.com I've already written about this before, but there was a new article in...

These Quotes from “Toyota Culture” on Servant Leadership are Powerful

I've been making my way through the book Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way at a regrettably slow pace. There's such...

Are We Cowboys or Not?

Fixing East-West clash challengingProf. Jeffrey Liker keynoted a Lean event in Oklahoma and is quoted as saying:Maybe the cowboy and the samurai best illustrate...

A Japanese Paper on the Spread of TPS

CURRENTS / 'Toyota way' inspires lean practices From a Japanese newspaper, an article about the impact the Toyota Production System is having on organizations around...

LeanBlog Podcast #41 – Jeff Liker on His Book Toyota Culture,...

Listen: Here is LeanBlog Podcast #41 with Dr. Jeffrey Liker, Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Liker is most...

LeanBlog Podcast #39 – Jeff Liker on His Book Toyota Culture,...

Here is LeanBlog Podcast #39, once again featuring Dr. Jeffrey Liker, Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Liker...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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