Tag: Like Lean

Quitting a Software Application: Safari vs. Chrome & Error Proofing

The two primary web browsers I use these days on my Mac are Safari and Chrome. I've always been a big user of keyboard...

A Lean Guy Reads Inc. Magazine, July/August 2011

The articles from the July/August 2011 issue of Inc. Magazine aren't online yet, but there are two things I wanted to go ahead and...

“Like Lean” – NY Jets Coach Rex Ryan

I heard a story on NPR last week profiling New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan, "In Football And Life, Ryan Plays Like He...

G.E. Rediscovers the Value in Providing Real Value to Manufacturing Customers

I'll apologize if today's post seems off-topic to my healthcare readers, but I have to share a link to a Sunday New York Times...

Notes From My Second Day at #IHI 2011

Following up my notes from Day 1, I'm sharing my notes from the second full day I attended on Wednesday, December 8 2010. Here, in...

Standardized Working Toward Zero Infections and Getting There

First off, there's nothing about "Lean" per se in this linked article from Quality Digest: "New York Pediatric ICU Ward Off Central-Line Infections for...

Lessons from a “Like Lean” Millionaire

Listen to my podcast with Nick One of my blog themes is the idea of "Like Lean" - practices that seem very much like the...

An Industrial Engineer as Hospital CEO

Last Friday at SHS/ASQ, I heard a talk by Michael Riordan, the CEO of the Greenville Hospital System in South Carolina. He is one of...

Some "Like Lean" Thoughts from CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN Programs - Anchors/Reporters - Sanjay GuptaI had a very full, interesting week - giving a well-received talk about Lean Healthcare at the Ontario...

LeanBlog Podcast #79 – Eve Yen, CEO of Diamond Wipes on...

Eve Yen, founder and CEO of Diamond Wipes, is our guest for episode #79 of the podcast. In this podcast, Eve discusses her company...

What's the Point of Standard if it's Not Followed?

I am at the Ontario Hospital Association 'HealthAchieve' meeting (giving a talk on Lean Healthcare later on). I saw Dr. Sanjay Gupta present this...

Like Lean: Solving Health Care Problems By Design

Solving Health Care Problems By Design : NPRThanks to Andrew B. for passing this along - audio and web text from NPR with some...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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