Tag: Like Lean

Eisenhower on Leadership, Sounds like a Lean Thinker to Me

You might think that "command and control" leadership styles are a thing of the past. But, old habits die slowly and many leaders today still seem to have a mental model that longs for a workforce that would "just do what they're told." What did former President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower say about leaders who are "hitting people over the head?" I blog about that here...

Toronto Cyclist Error Proofs With a “Pool Noodle” to Improve His...

This article from the Toronto Star caught my eye the other day: Cyclist says his pool noodle makes Toronto streets safer for him There was a...

Like Lean: An NFL Head Coach Gets Out of His Office,...

...this WSJ article caught my attention: "The Coach Who Won't Leave the Locker Room." The sub headline is "Why Carolina Panthers' Ron Rivera has become obsessed with integrating himself into his players' personal workspace." An NFL coach is at "the gemba" during a game, of course...

Says Jack Dorsey: It’s an “Organizational Failure” if the CEO Has...

Jack Dorsey is well known among tech circles, as a co-founder of Twitter (he's @Jack) and, now, as the CEO of Square. I'm a...

Like Lean: Hotels Involve Customers ala “Lean Design”

A few weeks back, USA Today published an article that made me think of some of the approaches being used by hospitals under the...

Podcast #157 – Nick Sarillo, ‘A Slice of the Pie’ –...

Joining me for episode #157 is Nick Sarillo, founder of Nick's Pizza & Pub and author of the new book (out September 13) called...

More Than Grammar in This WSJ Grammar Quiz

Last week, my dad pointed out this grammar quiz on the Wall Street Journal website (as part of the article "This Embarrasses You and...

All Saudi hospitals to report serious errors online

I don't have any first hand experience with the country, but I have had many requests for the free first chapters of my books...

Management Lessons from Zingerman’s CEO Ari Weinzweig

It was a very pleasant surprise that ASQ chose Ari Weizweig, a founder and CEO of Zingerman's Deli (and other businesses) in Ann Arbor,...

WSJ: How to Be a Better Boss? Spend Time on the...

Last Thursday's Journal had a story titled "How to Be a Better Boss? Spend Time on the Front Lines." The article talks about senior...

A Lean Lesson from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we commemorate the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, this quote caught my eye from one of Dr. King's Letters from a Birmingham...

A Lean Guy Watches Moneyball

When it first came out, I was a big fan of Michael Lewis' book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game about the Oakland...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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