Tag: Lean Startup

Watching the Steve Jobs “Lost Interview,” Part 1

Recently, I stumbled across something that's been out for about a year, a lost video of Steve Jobs being interviewed in 1995. See this...

Should Have a Question Mark: Inc’s “The Leanest Startup?”

Inc. Magazine didn't have the question mark in the headline, but I think it should be there. Much as the WSJ often just gets...

“Blame & Shame” is Shameful

Many leaders in healthcare (including John Toussaint, Paul Levy, and others) are working to eliminate the "name, blame, and shame" culture that often exists...

Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2012, Day 2

Following up on my notes from Day 1, here are some notes and key points from Day 2 of the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit....

Podcast #147 – Scott Patten and Peter Armstrong, Founders of LeanPub.com,...

Listen Episode #147 is a part two of a conversation with  Scott Patten and Peter Armstrong from  LeanPub.com (listen to part one in episode #140). They...

What’s Wrong with “What’s Wrong With the Lean Start-up”

A few years back, I coined a really bad acronym: L.A.M.E. One of the things it can mean is "Lean As Mistakenly Explained." It's...

Podcast Interview on “Lean Healthcare” for the ScrumCast Show

Today, I'd like to share a podcast where the ScrumCast hosts,  Derek Neighbors and Clayton Lengel-Zigich, interviewed me about Lean in healthcare. Their audience...

The More Sophisticated Brains – Robots or Employees?

Last week, an article in the Wall Street Journal caught my eye: "The Robots Are Coming to Hospitals:  A New Breed of Blue-Collar Robots...

Full “Healthcare Kaizen” Book Website Launches

My co-author, Joe Swartz, and I did a soft launch a few weeks back, but we're happy to announce that the full website for...

Partial Transcript of Podcast #142 – @EricRies on Taiichi Ohno &...

Here is a transcript of last week's podcast with Eric Ries talking about the impact that Toyota legend Taiichi Ohno had on his work...

Funny: The Most Interesting Lean Thinker in the World

This is too good not to share. The team at a startup called Buffer  created a list of Lean Startup concepts in the guise...

Preview of the KaiNexus iPhone App – making improvement easier, anywhere

KaiNexus has an initial v 1.0 iPhone app that's about ready to be submitted to Apple! It's been an exciting past few months at KaiNexus,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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