Tag: Lean Management

Webinar Preview: Enterprise Excellence is Inclusive Excellence with William Harvey

I'm really excited to host and moderate the latest webinar in the KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Webinar series, which will be presented by my friend...

Webinar Preview: From Lean Theory to Practice in Libraries and Beyond

I'm really excited to host and moderate the latest webinar in the KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Webinar series, which will be presented by my friend...

Consistent DAILY Practice Matters: Yoga or Lean Management

I've often been in a position to coach and counsel leaders who find it difficult to put the daily in what some call Lean...

Evolving Lean Metrics: Why Process Behavior Charts Outperform Red-Green Charts

tl;dr summary: This post challenges the traditional use of red-green binary charts in tracking performance and promotes Lean Process Behavior Charts. It emphasizes the...

Podcast #310 – Steve Shortell, The Impact of #Lean on Healthcare...

Joining me again for Episode 310 is Stephen M. Shortell Ph.D., MPH, MBA. He is Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professorship, HPM and is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.  He was previously a guest on Episode 267 talking about the establishment of the Center for Lean Engagement and Research (CLEAR) at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is the director.  In this episode, we talk about some initial research that they released in a paper that was published in The Joint Commision Journal on Quality and Patient Safety: "Use of Lean and Related Transformational Performance Improvement Systems in Hospitals in the United States: Results From a National Survey"

Steve Bera, Reflections On Working at NUMMI And Lean, Part 2

Today's episode #259 is Part 2 of a discussion I started with Steve Bera in episode #256. Steve was one of the original 16 "NUMMI...

Steve Bera, Reflections On Working at NUMMI And #Lean, Part 1

I'm really excited to have Steve Bera as my guest for episode #256 of the podcast. I read about him as he was featured...

Interview with John Shook on A3 Problem Solving and His Book...

Episode #56 of the podcast is a discussion with John Shook, one of my absolute favorite people in the Lean world. The few times I've...

Interview with Jim Womack, “The Machine That Changed The World” Revisited

Episode #19 of the Lean Blog Podcast brings the return of Jim Womack. Jim was sitting in Melbourne Australia, where he had been speaking...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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