Tag: Lean Hospitals

Now Shipping! “Lean Hospitals,” 2nd Revised Edition (w/ 20% Off)

It's official - the 2nd revised edition of my first book, Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Engagement, is now shipping from...

Update on Lean Hospitals, 2nd Edition – Download the New Chapter...

Today's post is an update on the 2nd revised edition of my first book, Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Engagement. The...

25% off on Pre-Orders of “Lean Hospitals,” 2nd Edition

The 2nd revised edition of my book Lean Hospitals can be pre-ordered from Productivity Press for a 25% discount. The book should be available...

The Global Spread of “Lean Hospitals”

I'm in beautiful Traverse City, Michigan for a few days for the Michigan Lean Consortium annual conference. It's my home state, so it's great...

Frequently Highlighted Passages in “Lean Hospitals”

I love my Amazon Kindle (I have had a 2nd generation 3G Kindle for about two years). Amazon has recently made the device more...

New LeanHospitalsBook.com Site

I have a new website for my book, "Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction." You can check it out at www.LeanHospitalsBook.com....

More Trust, Less Fear

As I'm going through revisions of my book, Lean Hospitals, a theme jumps out at me in Chapter 2.... it's all about trust. The first...

Updating “A Vision for a Lean Hospital”

I am working on finishing up the revised and updated edition of my first book Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction....

What’s In Store for 2011: Lean Blog and Mark Graban

Again, my apologies for writing about myself today, following up on my post about the upcoming 2nd edition of my book Lean Hospitals: Improving...

Announcement: Working on a 2nd Revised, New Edition of “Lean Hospitals”

Happy New Year! Today, I will have two posts that are embarrassingly self referential. Then back to normal stuff tomorrow. My main announcement is that...

“Lean Hospitals” Now Available on Kindle

As Amazon's Kindle has gotten more popular, I've gotten a lot of questions about when my book, Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and...

Reader Quiz – Guess the Lean Blog Global Readership

Here's something new to try -- a way of giving away a copy of my book Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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