Tag: Lean Daily Management

Why Start the New Year with Blank Charts?

Charts like this always make me wonder why we throw away the additional context of data from 2016 when we start the 2017 chart. It's unlikely that January 1st in any given year is the magical creation of a new system or a new process. In other words, January 2017 was likely the same process as December 2016. The annual cutoffs are arbitrary. Sure, people are accustomed to thinking in annual cycles, but is this helpful for improvement?

Daily Management, Strategy Execution, and Lean Leadership with José Ferro

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #521 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is  José R. Ferro, PhD,...

Yes! Another Lean Book Emphasizes Psychological Safety’s Importance

I'm happy to share some exciting news related to Lean and Psychological Safety. For a long time, there have been very few books directly...

Consistent DAILY Practice Matters: Yoga or Lean Management

I've often been in a position to coach and counsel leaders who find it difficult to put the daily in what some call Lean...

How Standard Should Standard Improvement Boards Be?

Guest Post by Joe Swartz: At Franciscan Health, we were struggling to create a system-wide standard for our improvement boards. Although we had deployed them to over 50 departments across our 14 hospitals, it has been a struggle to agree on what the boards should look like. Five of our hospitals used rows for each key metric while nine of our hospitals used columns for each key metric. However, now our leadership was asking us to become more standardized across our system.

One Way to Improve Your Lean Daily Management Board: From Lists...

The other day, I saw a post on Twitter that included a few photos related to what's often called Lean Daily Management practices in a hospital. The spirit of my post is not meant to come across as "they're doing it wrong" but more in the spirit of "they're doing a lot of great things, but it would be better if..." If Lean Daily Management is supposed to be, at its core, about identifying opportunities for improvement, I'd hope they wouldn't be offended by my recommendations, but I also don't want to link to the Twitter post or call them out by name. I will pass along private feedback through a channel I have. But, I'm writing a post because what I see here is VERY common in different organizations (not just healthcare).

A Health System CEO Leads by Example on #Lean & Huddles

Today is one of those days where I think, "Forget what I have to say, read this...." This being a LinkedIn post written by James Hereford, the CEO of Fairview Health Services in Minnesota. "How huddles help us lead" I think the "us" says a lot, instead of a headline about "How huddles help ME lead."

Reader Question: A Lone Wolf in #Lean Facilitator’s Clothing

Today's reader question comes from somebody who has been put in the position of what I call "the lone wolf" in a health system. This happens a lot. A health system hires or designates one person to be "the Lean change agent." It doesn't matter how amazing and/or experienced this individual is... I'd very skeptical about the organization's Lean journey.

Better Metrics & “Understanding Variation” – An Important Topic for Healthcare

My favorite book, as I've written about before, is not a "Lean book" -- it's Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos by Donald J. Wheeler, PhD. It might look like a book about statistics...

Streamline Your Lean Daily Management Boards with Free Process Tracking Letter...

Thanks to StoreSMART for being a long-term advertiser and partner here on the blog. Check out their useful products for Lean metrics boards, visual...

Exposé About Detroit Medical Center, Dirty Surgical Instruments, Dysfunction, and… Lean?

A number of you emailed me about this report in the Detroit News. I grew up in Detroit and my first job was as...

Podcast #260 – Brad White, on Lean Daily Management for Healthcare

My guest for Episode #260 of the podcast is Brad White, author of the recently-released book Lean Daily Management for Healthcare: A Strategic Guide to...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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