Tag: Leadership

Leading Lean A-Z: "I" for Integrity

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanSome of you have read the beginning of my Leading Lean A-Z. You can see the...

Lean as a Superhero?

What people often think Lean is -- a superhero there to "save them" or to "make them Lean." As illustrated below:   How people should really view...

The Value Stream of Succession Planning and Leader Development

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanWhat's the purpose of thinking about work as a value stream? Is it just a buzzword?...

A Lean Guy Reads FORTUNE

As I was catching up on my back issues of FORTUNE, I had a few Lean thoughts as I read.In the June 9 edition,...

Jamie Flinchbaugh Video: Daily Improvement

Everybody Everyday: Managing for Daily Improvement The link above is an online video presentation by Jamie Flinchbaugh, courtesy of IndustryWeek (click here to subscribe to...

The Risks of Superficial Change

Rupert Cornwell: Cuban leader must learn from Gorbachev's mistakes - Commentators, Opinion - The IndependentI was reading this column yesterday and I thought of...

These Quotes from “Toyota Culture” on Servant Leadership are Powerful

I've been making my way through the book Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way at a regrettably slow pace. There's such...

Can Convis Turn Dana Around?

toledoblade.com -- Dana CEO, veteran of Toyota, hailed as mentorHere's another nice article that gives an overview of the leadership style of Gary Convis,...

Trouble in a Fort Worth Hospital

JPS patients get shortchanged as cash surpluses keep growingThis linked article is a preview of what I'll be blogging about next. I'm trying an...

Lean Blog Podcast #40 – An Anonymous UAW Retiree Who is...

Listen: Here is LeanBlog Podcast #40, an interview with a retired UAW/GM employee who wishes to remain anonymous, at this point. We have traded many...

Leadership versus Management

For a long time, we have been saying that leadership is one of the top reasons that lean efforts fail. Many have begun to...

A Lean Guy Reads the WSJ

A few short thoughts from today's WSJ:'Headwind' Blows As Top Executives Navigate Trouble - WSJ.comAs I was reading the first article, above, about executives...