Tag: Leadership

Blame: Human Error Occurs Even IF We’re Being Careful

I'm not sure why "error" was put in quotes since this seems like an actual error, not a quote-unquote error: Staff 'error' blamed for chlorine...

Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich, Deming, and Lean Leadership

Since moving to San Antonio two years ago, I've become a big fan of the San Antonio Spurs. For one, it's essentially a civic...

Lean Leaders are Inclusive Leaders, Humble Leaders

This article caught my eye over at Becker's Hospital Review: "The Hospital CEO Dilemma: Abandon Ship or Change Leadership Style," written by Shirley Engelmeier, Founder...

Podcast #197 – Kim Barnas, on Her Book ‘Beyond Heroes’ for...

My guest for episode #197 is a hospital leader I really respect, Kim Barnas, author of the new book Beyond Heroes.  Until very recently, Kim was...

Things That Make Me Worry About My Colonoscopy: Patient Safety

Sorry to get all Katie Couric on you, but I'm going to have a colonoscopy on Friday. I turned 40 last October and I...

Great Steve Jobs Video (& Transcript) from 1990 on Continuous Improvement

tl;dr: In this post, Mark shares a video and transcript featuring Steve Jobs discussing the concept of continuous improvement in 1990. He examines how...

Are Today’s Hospitals Too Much Like “The Old GM?”

As a former GM employee and a GM customer, I'm really fascinated by the reaction of the public, the media, and Congress to the...

A Collection of Past Posts About Lean, Basketball, and the Workplace

Since today is the first full day of the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, many of you might be checking scores or watching games instead...

Is it Lean’s Fault or the Old Management System’s?

It's easy for an organization to say they are "doing Lean" or they have "started a Lean transformation." They might hire a consultant or...

The Leadership Pond Usually Isn’t Stocked with Humble Fish

A big theme in Lean management is the idea of "leading with humility." The first chapter of an excellent book written by Toyota employees and...

Podcast #195 – Steve Montague, Lean + TeamSTEPPS for Patient Safety

Joining me for episode #195 is my friend Steve Montague from LifeWings. Steve and I met initially through our shared interest in Lean and,...

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: Not Doing Kaizen, Engaged Sailors, Etc.

Every once in a while, I have too many browser windows open and it slows my computer down. That's when I dump a bunch...
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