Tag: Leadership
Intuit CEO Brad Smith & Lean Thinking
I was happy to see this article in FORTUNE's recent issue: "Brad Smith, Intuit CEO: How To Be A Great Leader: Get Out Of...
Webinar Recording: What to Do When you Have Lots of Employee...
At KaiNexus, Dr. Greg Jacobson and I have been doing new webinars each month (see the library here). Our most recent one was hosted...
Another PDSA: Please Don’t…
PDSA, back to the days of Dr. Deming, has stood for Plan Do Study Adjust.
A key point in the application of PDSA (and a...
CNN Head Jeff Zucker Doesn’t Realize There’s a Culture of Fear...
Back in May, I saw news reports about the head of CNN, Jeff Zucker: "CNN boss Zucker shocked by staffer's fearful question."
Back when I...
What People Say is Their “Biggest Challenge Related to Innovation and...
Yesterday's post was about some of our work at KaiNexus and today's post is hosted over on the KaiNexus Blog:
Challenges to Innovation and Improvement
A Sad Story About “Lean” That Wasn’t Really Lean Management At...
In March, I wrote a post titled "Is it Lean's Fault or the Old Management System's?" about how people's complains about Lean are actually...
Spurs Win the NBA Title: Systems, Learning, Teamwork, & Leadership
Since my wife and I moved to San Antonio just over two years ago, we've become big Spurs fans. Since the Spurs are the...
Cleaning out the Backlog: Krafcik, Email, Lincoln, Leadership, Humility, Patient Falls
As I sometimes do, I'm going to close out a bunch of browser tabs and share some articles that caught my eye recently but...
Day 2 Notes: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014
Today is the second and final day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag#HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from...
Live Blogging Day 1: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014
Today is the first day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag #HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from others....
Secretary Shinseki Has Resigned; Will Things Change at the VA?
=Following up on posts from Monday and Wednesday, we see this headline today: "Shinseki resigns after VA scandal."
As I wrote about on LinkedIn, instead...
The Real #VAscandal is the Long Waiting Times & Bad Management,...
Look at the System, Not the Individuals
I've been wanting to blog about the "VA Scandal," but have avoided it because
it is somewhat politicized (as...