Tag: Leadership

Guest Post: Steven Leuschel on Lean Healthcare Huddles

Mark's Note: Today's post is an excerpt, used with permission, from a new book by Steven Leuschel titled "Lean Culture Change," with an introduction...

Never Tell a Person What to Do… So, Here’s What You...

At KaiNexus, we love our customers and we're constantly impressed by what they're saying and, more importantly,what they're doing and accomplishing. We recently published a...

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 1: Alignment & Visual Management

Back in November, I had a chance to meet Nate Hurle, from Cleveland Clinic, as he was giving a presentation about their work with...

Podcast #238 – Kevin Cahill, on his Grandfather, W. Edwards Deming

Episode #238 is a conversation with somebody I’ve wanted to talk with for a long time, Kevin Cahill. He is the executive director of the W. Edwards Deming Institute. He’s also a grandson of Dr. Deming! ...

More Notes on Dr. Deming & “If Japan Can, Why Can’t...

Hopefully you've already seen the famed 1980 NBC documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" that featured Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I posted a link to the video and some notes on Part 1 of the broadcast. Today, I'd like to blog about Part 3 of the program...

“Practicing Lean” Chapter 6 Excerpt: Trust… A Five Letter Word

n the spirit of "Lean publishing," the book Practicing Lean has another new incrementally-added chapter. The latest excellent contribution comes from Jamie Parker, writing about lessons learned in large commercial printing operations... lessons that can be applied anywhere...

Lean Leadership and Progress at Mary Greeley Medical Center [Webinar Recording]

Free webinar tomorrow... One of our customers that has made great strides with daily continuous improvement throughout their hospital in the past year is Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC) in Ames, Iowa...

Podcast #235 – Sam MacPherson, The Green Beret Way to the...

Today's guest is Sam MacPherson (@LeanLeaderWay), the co-founder of the Lean Leadership Academy and the founder of The Summit on Lean Leadership, a partnership with Lean Frontiers...

My First Live Podcast – Today with Sam MacPherson on Lean...

If you've been a listener of my LeanBlog Podcast series, you might know that I normally record conversations and then publish them into the podcast feed. Today, I'm going to do my first live broadcast of a podcast discussion via the "Blab.im" streaming platform. My guest is going to be Sam MacPherson...

Like Lean: An NFL Head Coach Gets Out of His Office,...

...this WSJ article caught my attention: "The Coach Who Won't Leave the Locker Room." The sub headline is "Why Carolina Panthers' Ron Rivera has become obsessed with integrating himself into his players' personal workspace." An NFL coach is at "the gemba" during a game, of course...

Going Cheap Vs. Leading and Being Lean

I've worked with a lot of companies whose primary operational strategy boils down to "cut costs". Others on Mark's blog have written about the many unintended consequences of cutting costs as a myopic strategy. But I'd like to share a trend among small manufacturers I've seen...

How Kaizen is the Key to Northwestern’s Stellar Defense

Many of you don’t care about football, but you might find it interesting, as I did, to learn that Northwestern’s defensive coordinator Mike Hankwitz is apparently a fan of Kaizen...
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