Tag: Layout

Throwback Thursday: #Lean Equipment and a Lean Layout Isn’t Enough

Going through some old files, I found an article that I wrote back in late 2005. I wrote it for somebody within our J&J Lean Healthcare circles, trying to help draw parallels to the idea that a hospital lab couldn’t just copy a “Lean layout” without also changing the way they work. I never published it

The Positive Trend of “Lean Design” of the Space & Processes...

It's been nice to see the "lean design" approach taking hold in healthcare over the past few years. I think the first book on...

Lean Healthcare Design Video Series – Part 4, Continuous Improvement

Here is the long overdue Part 4 of our video discussion series about Lean Healthcare Design, featuring Miguel Burbano, an architect and Senior Vice...

Lean Healthcare Design Video Series – Part 3, Working Together for...

Here is Part 3 of our video discussion series about Lean Healthcare Design, featuring Miguel Burbano, an architect and Senior Vice President with The...

Lean Healthcare Design Video Series – Part 2, Open Workspaces and...

Here is Part 2 of our video discussion series about Lean Healthcare Design, featuring Miguel Burbano, an architect and Senior Vice President with The...

Lean Healthcare Design Video Series – Home Page

I'm happy to present a new multi-part video discussion series about Lean Healthcare Design, featuring Miguel Burbano, an architect and Senior Vice President with...

Safety First – Even for a Northwestern Football Game at Wrigley...

I'm really excited that I'm going to be attending tomorrow's Northwestern football game that's being played at Wrigley Field, the legendary baseball stadium that...

A New Book That Says “Incrementalists Need Not Apply”

I'm very interested in the interface between healthcare architecture, space design, and processes. I've seen so many cases where poor design (often done without...

Guest Post: Operations-based Healthcare Design

Mark's note: Today's guest post is by Alica Simmer, a Senior Healthcare Consultant with KHC. I'm happy to have her as a guest blogger...

ThedaCare, Lean, and Primary Care in the News

ThedaCare, the health system in Wisconsin, often gets a lot of attention for the Lean improvements in their four hospitals, but they are also...

Lean Healthcare Examples from Seattle and the UK

This linked article ("Lean cuts Healthcare Costs at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle") summarizes improvements and Lean methods at Seattle's Virginia Mason Medical Center...

A Glimpse into a “3P” Lean Space Design Process

Paul Levy has shared some photos and a video, from Boston's Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, that gives a glimpse into the design of...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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