Tag: Layoffs

Doofus and Leanie Cartoon #4 – GM vs. Toyota

It has been a while since I've collaborated with artist Ed Butler on a "Doofus and Leanie" cartoon (Ed was also the artist for...

GM Blames Layoffs on the Japan Earthquake and JIT; Should Instead...

Here is a sad article with the headline"General Motors lays off workers at NY plant." This is an addition to earlier Shreveport layoffs. The media...

A Few Random Links – Oct 22 2010

It's time for a Lean Blog feature where I throw a few links at you - articles I've saved and read that maybe don't...

My Guest Article on Lean as an Alternative to Hospital Layoffs

Thanks to FierceHealthcare.com for publishing my guest article on the front page of their site: "How lean management helped hospitals avoid layoffs." The article features...

My First Visit to the Toyota Truck Plant in San Antonio...

This blog post is about my first visit to TMMTX in 2010.

Hospitals Under Pressure, Resorting to Layoffs and Slash and Burn, Not...

Generally, with the term "lean," it's easy for people to leap to a conclusion that Lean equals layoffs. This is often the fear in...

Lean Healthcare at Denver Health is Front-Page News

It's nice to see examples of Lean Healthcare success in the news, this time on the front page of the Denver Post -- "Denver...

L.A.M.E. as Heard on NPR?

Oh no, it seems like a L.A.M.E. ("Lean As Misguidedly Executed") story on NPR's All Things Considered program. No wonder some people hate the...

Re-visiting Chapter 2 of Out of the Crisis (Part 1)

Continuing my series on re-reading Dr. W. Edwards Deming's book Out of the Crisis, I'm posting a series of tweets from the Chapter along...

Great Newsweek Cover Story on Why Layoffs Are Harmful

I had long given up on Newsweek as a source of news (hey, at least it's published weekly unlike IndustryWeek). But this cover caught...

Lean as a Way to Save Manufacturing Featured on CNN

Hat tip to blog reader Steven H. for sending this video my way. It's always nice to see Lean featured in the mainstream media, including...

Confirmed: Toyota to Shut Down NUMMI Production

It's been long rumored, but is now confirmed by Toyota that they are going to stop production at their ground breaking NUMMI plant in...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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