L.A.M.E.: 5S Making Things Harder on Employees

Here's a follow up to my earlier post on 5S not being about neatness (or for neatness' sake).A reader submitted this anonymous comment that's...

L.A.M.E. — Thinking That Lean Hurts People

'Lean Production' May Also be a Lean Toward InjuriesPeople getting hurt would be a good indicator of Lean As Misguidedly Executed. The above...

What IBM is Doing isn’t Lean At All

I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Lean and Mean | PBS Alas, we can't sue IBM Global Services (not IBM manufacturing) for misappropriation of the...

L.A.M.E.: Not Involving Key Stakeholders

Got this story during an email exchange, used with express permission:-----------------------------I saw my doctor yesterday and told him I was doing a lean publication,...

L.A.M.E.: Thinking Lean is about Low Inventory

IndustryWeek : When Not To Go LeanHere's another concept of Lean As Misguidedly Executed. I could nitpick the title of the IW piece,...

L.A.M.E.: Thinking Lean is About Speed, not Quality

A blog reader, Tom, sent me a PDF of a column from the ASQ "Quality Progress" magazine, the April 2007 issue. The article...

Lean Killed Rover?

Driving on the wrong side of the road -- the myth of Japanese efficiency in car manufacturingA new book is out attacking Lean. ...

L.A.M.E.: Thinking Lean = "Zero Inventories"

When inventory is not waste - The Manufacturer.com It's unfortunate that one of the early (1983) popular books about lean (or "just in time," as...

LAME: Lean is Not Automation

Here's another example of what you might call "L.A.M.E" ("Lean" As Misguidedly Executed) instead of "Lean."I received a disturbing report in my email inbox...

Understanding Lean: Differentiating Real Lean from ‘L.A.M.E.’ Practices

Many of the "anti-lean" stories I hear sound like descriptions of situations or methods that I would hardly describe as "Lean." There are many...

Misguided ‘Office Lean’: How Bad 5S Practices Give Lean a Bad...

A few weeks back, the British media was having a field day with reports of and complaints about what sounds like a horribly misguided...

I’ll Bet That Merck’s "Lean" Effort Fails

The Manufacturer.com - Merck to cut jobs, close plants, get lean Merck was in the news quite a bit today, but this is the first...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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