Tag: Kaizen

Guest Post: Emergency Blood Product Release: Using the “6-3” to Work...

Many thanks to the staff of Barnes-Jewish Hospital for providing this for publication. You might also be interested in my podcast with Dr. David...

Toyota article from 1997 – the “Soul” of TPS that’s hard...

How Toyota Defies Gravity In doing some research for an upcoming presentation, I found this FORTUNE article from 1997. I was looking for a reference...

LeanBlog Podcast #76 – Dr. David Jaques, Lean in Surgical Services

Episode #76 is a discussion with Dr. David Jaques, VP of Surgical Services at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. In this podcast, Dr. Jaques...

Innovation Is as Innovation Does?

Dispatches from the Frontier: Innovation as OutcomeThis story also seems like it couldn't be true, from the Harga-Blog:I once asked a class full...

Spotted: A Mysterious “Kaizen Corp”Van in Boston

I saw this van in Boston the other day. I can't find a listing in the Yellow Pages for who they are or what...

Did the Reporter or GM Blow it on a Definition of...

Calif. to get dose of auto anguish | Detroit Free Press | Freep.comHere's a recent story about the demise of NUMMI, in which, the...

The First "Live Tweeted" Hospital Rapid Improvement Event?

Our friends at ThedaCare are running an experiment this week. One of their Rapid Improvement Event team members is going to send a few...

Guest Post: Big K vs. Little k

By Matt Wrye: Big K vs. Little k has different meanings depending on what you are talking about. In baseball, big K...

LeanBlog Video Podcast #7 – Norman Bodek, Part 2

Video #7 is a continuation of Episode #3 with Norman Bodek recounting his early trips to Japan and learning about kaizen, just in time,...

Who are the Lean Thinking CEOs?

A question came in from a blog reader -- simple question with no simple or easy answers: Who are the Lean Thinking CEOs? My first thought...

Measuring for Improvement

Note: Welcome LEI visitors... you can check out my main blog page at www.leanblog.org, as I hope you'll come back. Here are some other...

Do Ideas Go "Poof" at Starbucks?

By Mark Graban:I'm always fascinated by Starbucks. For one, I'm a regular customer and Starbucks has a reputation for hiring pretty educated people as...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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