Tag: Kaizen

Archive of Free Webinar – Greg Jacobson, MD on Kaizen for...

Updated 11/8 to include a link to the recording  and changing the post to past tense. Gregory Jacobson, MD, co-founder and CEO of KaiNexus (disclosure:...

KaiNexus Education Video #7 – No Countermeasure? That’s OK

Here is the seventh in our series of short, simple Kaizen education videos from KaiNexus, a software startup where I am on the management team.  We...

Kaizen vs. Suggestion Box: Effective Employee Engagement Strategies with Mark Graban...

The Lean Enterprise Institute recorded this short video while we were at the recent Northeast Shingo Prize conference. Thanks to them for doing this...

Learning Jazz (and Lean?): Imitate, Integrate, Innovate

Although I don't get to play much anymore, I used to be a pretty serious drummer (I almost said "musician," but that invites jokes...

Elon Musk Wrongly Pooh-Poohs Process as a Substitute for Thinking

I've always been intrigued by entrepreneur (and billionaire) Elon Musk. He founded PayPal (which I have used for over ten years), founded  SpaceX (which...

KaiNexus Update – User Badges & Sharing Improvements Widely

The team at KaiNexus (where I am the "chief improvement officer") is always improving. I want to share a few of these improvements, as...

KaiNexus Education Video #6 – Improve Continually

Here is the sixth in our series of  short, simple Kaizen education videos from KaiNexus, a software startup where I am on the management team.  We...

Guest Post: Kaizen and Passion

Mark's note: Today's guest post is from a friend of mine from The Netherlands. I had a chance to visit Marc and his hospital...

How Do You Find a Lean Healthcare Person?

Mark's Note: Today's guest post is from a great friend of mine and this blog, Dean Bliss, of the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative.  Check out...

Guest Post: Kaizen’s Test for the Best

Today's guest post is by Duke Rohe, a Quality Improvement Education Consultant  at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. I know Duke from...

Guest Post: The Tides of Change

Mark's note: Ankit Patel is a returning guest blogger  and a good friend in the world of Lean and Lean Healthcare. Check out his...

Guest Post: Reports of Kaizen’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated

Mark's note: Today's vacation post is from my good friend Dan Markovitz, who normally blogs here.  Listen to my podcasts with him here...