Tag: Kaizen

‘Lean and Green’ is Free

Mark's note: What follows is a guest post by Keivan Zokaei about the necessary and unsurprisingly overlap between Lean principles and environmental stewardship. I...

There’s Only One Acceptable Answer to “Are You Busy?”

In some  "Kaizen Kickoff" coaching that I've been doing recently, I've been spending time with managers and other leaders as they interact with...

Joe Swartz Discusses Healthcare Kaizen and a Culture of Continuous Improvement...

Joining me for episode #187 is Joe Swartz, my friend and esteemed co-author of our books Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line Staff in Sustainable Continuous...

From Vague to Passive to Active in Your Voice and Improvement...

While I'd be the first to admit that my writing is not perfect and I certainly need a copy editor for my books, I...

Guest Post: How Standardized Does a Kaizen Process Need to Be?

Mark's Note: Today's post is by a colleague from The Netherlands, Erwin Haas. Erwin is a leader in a Dutch consulting firm, NextChange, a...

Eiji Toyoda, Credited with Developing TPS and Expanding Toyota into North...

Eiji Toyoda, a key figure in the growth and expansion of Toyota and the Toyota Production System practices has passed away this week, just...

Podcast #186 – Jon Miller Discusses His Book Creating a Kaizen...

My guest for episode #186 is my friend Jon Miller, CEO of Kaizen Institute and a long-time blogger at Gemba Panta Rei. Today, we're...

Guest Post: The Ultimate Lean Thinker’s Phone – the iPhone “5S”

Hi, this is Dr. Les Muda, the world's first (and only) Lean healthcare comedian, taking over Mark's blog today for a guest post about...

Applying Kaizen to the Kaizen Process

When I teach and coach people on the "Kaizen" style of continuous improvement, I emphasize that what I'm teaching them isn't perfect and it's...

Guest Post: Lean and Six Sigma (and My Son) Require Skills-Based...

Mark's Note: Today's guest post is by Joe Swartz, my co-author for the book Healthcare Kaizen and the newly-released book The Executive Guide to...

Gemba Wine: A Lean Geek Visits Wineries, Part 3

Following up on my previous posts (here and here) on a recent visit to the Northern California Wine Country, I'm going to share a...

Kaizen Contest – Win a Copy of “The Executive Guide to...

One feature of the website for our  Healthcare Kaizen books  has been the ability for people to share an example of a Kaizen improvement...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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