Tag: Kaizen

Applying Kaizen to LeanBlog.org

In the category of "not so new" (this blog is nine years old) and hopefully "somewhat improved," you might notice a slightly different design...

Kaizen is Usually a Team Sport

Last Thursday, Joe Swartz and I presented about "Kaizen Coaching" at the annual Shingo Institute Conference. In the start of our breakout session, I made...

Failure Is Indeed an Option if We’re Trying New Things

If we're trying new things, there are bound to be "failures." If our leaders want guaranteed success, we won't be trying many new things. The...

Toyota’s Blog on Pillars of the Toyota Production System & Lean

I didn't know , until yesterday, that Toyota has an official company blog (at least for Toyota UK). Even though I've learned from Toyota people...

Dr. Deming & Kaizen: Employees Should Not Just Suggest, But Try...

I've really enjoyed reading the book The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality that was published last year. I think this link will...

New @KaiNexus Website, New Blog, & Free Improvement Webinars

In my last post about KaiNexus in February, I gave an update about our funding, new CEO, and other changes. We now have a newly...

Gaming the System: Graduation Rates & Pneumonia Rates

Regular readers of the blog will know that one of my favorite topics is "Gaming the Numbers" (or "Gaming the System"). As Brian Joiner so...

How to Create a Dysfunctional Culture Where Employees & Customers Are...

On this blog, I write a lot about how to create a "Lean" culture where employees and customers are happy. Engaged employees lead to...

Kaizen Tip: Just Do Its and Root Causes

In the Kaizen process, we ask everybody to identify problems (or opportunities) and then to write down an idea that could potentially solve the...

This Newbie Has a Good Grasp of Lean

I get a lot of emails from regular readers or people who have just stumbled across my blog. I try to be as helpful...

Great Steve Jobs Video (& Transcript) from 1990 on Continuous Improvement

tl;dr: In this post, Mark shares a video and transcript featuring Steve Jobs discussing the concept of continuous improvement in 1990. He examines how...

How Do You Make Time for Improvement? Here are Nine Takes...

I'm happy to be a participating author on "The Lean Edge" blog/site that's hosted by Michael Ballé author of The Gold Mine and other books. Their most recent question...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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