Tag: Kaizen

10 Ways That Lean Concepts Respect & Support Healthcare Staff

Lean provides a philosophy and a management model that should be nothing but good for staff and patients. The idea of “respect for people” might sound nice in principle, but what does it mean in a practical sense...

Stuff I’m Reading March 2015: Womack, Sweatshops, Hospitals, and Surveys

As often happens, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. Too much WIP...

Why Kaizen is an Important Differentiator for Japanese Whisky

This article caught my attention the other day, primarily because I like scotch, whisky (and whiskey and bourbon). The Japanese love scotch whisky and...

Kaizen: Giving Seven Days’ Grace on a New Idea [Video]

Here's another video in the series that Joe Swartz and I shot at Franciscan St. Francis Health back in October. See them all here or via a...

Podcast #217 – Interview with Alan Robinson, Co-Author of The Idea-Driven...

Our guest today is Alan G. Robinson, PhD, an award-winning author, educator, researcher and consultant. He has co-authored six books, including Modern Approaches to Manufacturing...

Practicing What We Preach: Kaizen for the Kaizen Cards

I do my best to "practice what I preach" in terms of Lean and Kaizen principles and spirit. No, I don't have tape outlines...

Guest Post: The Kaizen / Kata Nexus

Mark's note: Today's post is written by Michael Lombard -- you can find him on Twitter or read his blog "Hospital Kaizen" here. This post...

New Lean & Lean Startup Candy Hearts for Valentine’s Day

Ok, for those of you who maybe find "50 Shades of Lean" to be a bit too racy, here are some sweet "candy hearts"...

Cartoon: The Workplace “Brain Check Station”

Here's my latest cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You can see the whole series via this link. How many organizations ask...

A #Kaizen Example from St. Francis: From “Flavored Snot” to Applesauce...

Here's the latest video in the series that Joe Swartz and I shot at Franciscan St. Francis Health back in October. See them all...

The “Productivity Paradox” of Healthcare IT and the ROI Paradox of...

I've been reading a preview copy of the upcoming book (due out in April) by Dr. Bob Wachter, The Digital Doctor. It's fantastic and...

Cool Stuff from KaiNexus – A Quiz, Video, Haikus, Webinar, and...

Our team has been doing some cool stuff over on our KaiNexus website and I wanted to batch up the sharing of some of...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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