Tag: Kaizen
Are There Any Hospitals That Should NOT Try Lean or Kaizen?
I was asked an interesting and thought-provoking question the other day:
"Are there any hospitals where you'd suggest not trying to adopt Lean or situations...
How this Kaizen Prevents New Moms From Feeling Like They’re Being...
I wanted to share a recent Kaizen improvement story that I heard from a hospital.
Great things can happen when we:
Listen to our patients
Take action...
What Can a 10 Month Old Child Teach Us About Focus,...
Mark's note: Today's guest post is by Gert Linthout, from Belgium. Gert and I were part of the same Lean healthcare study trip to...
Some Highlights from Last Week’s “Kaizen Live” Event at Franciscan St....
Last Wednesday and Thursday, I collaborated with Joe Swartz and a countless number of his colleagues to host 24 visitors from different health systems (and...
Franciscan Kaizen Video #7: From Kaizen to Innovation in the NICU
Today and tomorrow are the days for our first on-site Kaizen experience at Franciscan St. Francis. I'll be sharing things on Twitter (@MarkGraban) and...
We’re Ready for #KaizenLive on Wednesday & Thursday – Join Us...
Joe Swartz and I have been working for a while to put together our first onsite Kaizen workshop at his health system, Franciscan St....
Rhode Island’s Governor Announces Lean Initiative, Declares “Operations Matter”
You might know my friend Karl Wadensten, the president of VIBCO, a small manufacturer in Rhode Island. I've interviewed him for episode #84 of...
What’s Interesting About This Toyota Executive Rising from the Factory Floor
I hope you might have access to this interesting article from the Wall St. Journal: "Toyota Veteran Rises to Corporate Office From Factory Floor."...
Upcoming Lean Healthcare Events – Webinars, Workshop, Conference, and Trip
Hi - I'd let to let you know about or remind you about a few upcoming events that I'll be a part of.
I hope...
10 More Reasons to Come See Kaizen at Franciscan St. Francis...
You Still Have Time to Register
Update -- you can also learn more and register for our April 2016 event via www.KaizenLive.com.
Joe Swartz and I...
This Chart Shows My “Kaizen Kickoff” Boosted This Hospital’s Improvement Culture
I recently wrote a blog post for KaiNexus titled "How Kaizen Software Helps Me Be A Better Coach." I've done a lot of Kaizen...
Throwback Thursday: Lean Manufacturing Training from 2002
It's time for another "Throwback Thursday" post, which is, as always, accompanied by one of my thoughtful-looking baby pictures :-)
Back in 2002, back when...