Tag: Kaizen

Toyota’s Japan Shutdown & Lessons for Hospitals (and Others)

I wrote a new piece for LinkedIn that I hope would be of interest to you even if you’re in healthcare. Why? It’s a story about what an organization does when you don’t have enough (or any) direct work for your front-line staff to do. Toyota would continue paying employees and would put them to...

HBR Article on Avoiding the Futility of Suggestion Systems

Burris has a new article on the Harvard Business Review website: “Employee Suggestion Schemes Don’t Have to Be Exercises in Futility” In my own work and travels, it’s hard to find anybody who has good things to say about suggestion boxes...

Never Tell a Person What to Do… So, Here’s What You...

At KaiNexus, we love our customers and we're constantly impressed by what they're saying and, more importantly,what they're doing and accomplishing. We recently published a...

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 1: Alignment & Visual Management

Back in November, I had a chance to meet Nate Hurle, from Cleveland Clinic, as he was giving a presentation about their work with...

“Practicing Lean” Excerpt from a New Chapter – Bob Rush from...

Chapter 8 is written by Bob Rush, who currently works as a Lean Manufacturing Group Leader at Tesla Motors. Tesla, of course, is in the building that was the former NUMMI factory...

Debunking Criticisms of Lean and Taylorism in Healthcare: A Response to...

In the article posted today, Pamela Hartzband, M.D., and Jerome Groopman, M.D. (the later the author of the popular book How Doctors Think), rant about all sorts of things… some of which have nothing to do with Lean...

Wise Words from Mark Twain on Continuous Improvement and Perfection

A hat tip goes to Brian Buck for sharing this quote via email recently. Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, was a pithy and wise man. I didn't remember this quote, but it is attributed to him. It's very appropriate for the type of work we do...

Recording: Free Webinar with Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

On Tuesday, I hosted, via KaiNexus, a webinar with Jon Miller on the important topic of "Practical Problem Solving," a structured 8-step method for...

More Notes on Dr. Deming & “If Japan Can, Why Can’t...

Hopefully you've already seen the famed 1980 NBC documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" that featured Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I posted a link to the video and some notes on Part 1 of the broadcast. Today, I'd like to blog about Part 3 of the program...

My Post for @KaiNexus: Webinar Highlights from @MaryGreeley Medical Center

Yesterday, I had a post published over on the KaiNexus blog: Webinar Highlights: See How These Two Elements Spread Improvement I shared some highlights from an...

Lean Leadership and Progress at Mary Greeley Medical Center [Webinar Recording]

Free webinar tomorrow... One of our customers that has made great strides with daily continuous improvement throughout their hospital in the past year is Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC) in Ames, Iowa...

MDs Can Earn a CME Credit from AMA, Learning about Lean

Today, I'm sharing a link to some free "Lean 101" material that the AMA has created for physicians. I'm not sure when this initiative launched, but I just learned about it... the AMA is offering some online education about Lean in healthcare...
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