Tag: Kaizen
The Coming Auto Industry Battle: Toyota’s People vs. Tesla’s Robots?
Here's an interesting article from Fast Company:
At Toyota, The Automation Is Human-Powered
The sub headline reads:
While the rest of the auto industry increasingly uses robots...
Great White Paper: “No More Projects” (or “More Than Projects”)
I really enjoyed and appreciated this new white paper that was written by Dr. Lisa Yerian and Nate Hurle from The Cleveland Clinic:
"No More...
Small Steps are the Best Path to Sustainable Big Results?
I am always happy to see something even vaguely related to the practice of Kaizen in mainstream publications. Here's a recent essay from the...
#TBT: Idea-Driven Organizations are Still a Great Idea
Today, we're looking back at a podcast that I did back in 2015 with Alan G. Robinson, PhD, co-author of many books including The Idea-Driven Organization....
Dr. Don Berwick on Respect and Change at the Front Lines...
Back in 2012, I blogged twice about aspects of Dr. Donald M. Berwick's 1989 article in the New England Journal of Medicine titled “Continuous Improvement as an Ideal in Health Care.” The full text is only available to subscribers.
As I posted on LinkedIn, another aspect of this article caught my eye when I was reviewing it the other day in advance of my talk at the Studer Group "What's Right in Healthcare" conference next week.
5 Years Since the Publication of “Healthcare Kaizen” – What’s Happened?...
One thing I like about Facebook is the way it reminds you about things that happened on this date in previous years. Facebook is...
Do you need to make it mandatory to participate in continuous...
Every month or two, Greg Jacobson, MD and I have an "Ask Us Anything" video discussion with questions submitted by members of our KaiNexus...
A Recommended Sequence of Podcasts and Webinars on Kaizen and Continuous...
I've produced A LOT of content about Kaizen and continuous improvement over the past 11 years, including podcasts and webinars. Somebody asked me to build a "curriculum" and a sequence of podcasts and webinars for people to watch as a way of getting educated about this approach. So this post is an attempt at that...
#TBT: Podcast Interview with Dr. Greg Jacobson of @KaiNexus from 2011...
It's been just over six years since I joined the team at KaiNexus, serving in various capacities over that time. As I like to say, even though I don't work full time with the company, I have a full commitment to the company, the team, and their approach.
The company has grown by leaps and bounds, adding customers not just in healthcare, but in other industries. You can read more about our aggregate customer results here. Recently, our customers just crossed the threshold of a combined one million hours of labor time saved, in addition to over $250 million in financial impact... in addition to quality, safety, customer and employee satisfaction improvements.
Back in 2011, I interviewed the CEO and co-founder of KaiNexus, Dr. Greg Jacobson:
#TBT: Kaizen Upon Kaizen in Meeting Scheduling (and a New Kaizen...
Kaizen is an incremental approach to problem solving and continuous improvement. We don't need to put pressure on ourselves to make things perfect... we can focus on "a little better, every day."
The Power of “How Might We?”
In this post, I write about a phrase that I heard many times when visiting Franciscan St. Francis Health in Indianapolis. How can this phrase help us challenge ourselves and to find positive solutions instead of barriers and obstacles?
Imitation as a Path to Innovation — If You Know What...
At the recent Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, there were thought provoking presentations... and we had many discussions about the role of incremental improvement vs. redesign or transformation. And, lots of discussions about imitating vs. innovating... so I explore those themes in this post.